kelinger / OmniStream

Deployment and management tools for an entire streaming platform that can reside on a server (local, remote, hosted, VPS) with media files stored on cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
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Bazarr Bad Gateway #73

Closed falcomm6 closed 9 months ago

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago

Hi there,

Im having a weird issue with Bazarr only, where it is giving me a bad gateway error. This is after I have entered my basicauth credentials.

I dont have this issue on any other container, and it used to work. I tried deleting the config folder, resetting the yaml to base, reinstalling Traefik. Kinda at a loss.

if anyone has had this and found a fix, pls let me know. I'll be eternally grateful lol

kelinger commented 9 months ago

I'm going to have to setup Bazarr in order to replicate this. However, usually this error indicates that Traefik is sending web hits to the root of your domain ( but the site is listening on a subdirectory ( This can be changed in the configuration (stop Bazarr, edit the config, and change the setting for where it expects the site to be). Mind you that none of this is based on looking at Bazarr right now, so it's a guess and may not be exactly how I describe.

After I get some time and get it installed, I'll see what I specifically have to do to make it work.

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago

Thank you :) I'll see if I can find anything around the subdomain. As said it did work, which is weird.

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago

Ive tried a few things I found online like - traefik.frontend.rule=PathPrefix:/bazarr but that didn't help, along with updating the config.

Appreciate your time as always.

kelinger commented 9 months ago

I did a clean install of Bazarr (no pre-existing configs) and I did this just by o+ 307-bazarr.yaml then omni up. Bazarr was added to Traefik and my DNS and then brought up. I had no trouble connecting to Bazarr via the web without changing anything.

So, the expectation is that this should work.

I noticed that the configs allow you to set a path. If you can't get to the web, look for the file "config.ini" located in ~/OmniStream/configs/bazarr/config/ directory. Three lines down in the General section, I have this:

base_url =
path_mappings = []

Is that how yours reads? (Again, this is without changing anything in the YAML for Bazarr, including Traefik labels)

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago


unfortunately mine reads exactly the same. Hmm.

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago

As mentioned, it did work, then suddenly stopped working for no knowable reason. it worked for weeks. There were no settings changes made to bazarr. very very odd to me.

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago

Looks to be an issue with my configs. deleting it now fixed it. no clue where, ill just start again. sorry for some reason this didnt work last time. appreciated.

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago

Reopening this was ive been able to replicate the fault. When I restart the container (using portainer) after configuring a fresh install, it goes back to bad gateway. Can you see if this happens to you?

Now its doing it even when I omni down, delete config, omni up. Super weird. idk maybe theres a bug somewhere for melol

kelinger commented 9 months ago

@falcomm6 I reinstalled Bazarr from scratch and it worked (which it did with a vanilla config for you as well). I was able to get to the interface. I didn't change anything but I did stop and start the container. When it was back up, I was still able to connect to the web interface.

I then went through the configuration. I added a provider ( and linked it to Sonarr and Radarr (testing the API key with the in-dialog "test" button) and triggered a scan from the tasks. These are the only configuration changes I made.

The movies fully loaded but I got impatient after about 25% of the TV shows were scanned. I restarted the Docker container for just Bazarr again and the web interface immediately said "there's a problem." But, once Bazarr came up, I hit refresh a few times (initially getting a "page cannot be loaded" error) the Bazarr interface once again presented itself after about 10 seconds.

So, I'm still not able to reproduce this. Are you changing any other settings besides what I mentioned above? Are you doing anything different?

falcomm6 commented 9 months ago

Thanks Kelinger. Its okay, its an odd one - its up and running now without any changes? Really weird. I think for now ill just try keep it stable and running when I have it open lol, as it seems to be intermittent. Thanks again