kelinger / OmniStream

Deployment and management tools for an entire streaming platform that can reside on a server (local, remote, hosted, VPS) with media files stored on cloud services like Google Drive or Dropbox.
MIT License
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FEATURE REQUEST: Traefik Middlewares Auth #84

Open meharrington90 opened 6 months ago

meharrington90 commented 6 months ago

Having an option to remove all (or selected) containers from the OAUTH function would be awesome. For example, I prefer NOT to use the OAUTH functionality, but I have to manually edit each yaml file for each container. A simple question during the install to activate/deactivate this feature could be a good solution.

At this time, I simply just comment out the corresponding line in the associated yaml file, as seen below:

      - "omni=${RADARRNAME},${MYDOMAIN},yes,yes,yes"
      - autoheal=true
      - traefik.enable=true
      - traefik.http.routers.radarr.rule=Host(`${RADARRNAME}.${MYDOMAIN}`)
      - traefik.http.routers.radarr.tls=true
      - traefik.http.routers.radarr.tls.certresolver=lets-encrypt
#      - traefik.http.routers.radarr.middlewares=${AUTH}

Feel free to mark this ticket as CLOSED after reading, it is just an idea. If this feature exists and I am just unaware, please let me know how to use the existing feature properly.

Happy Holidays!!