This project contains modifications for the Arma 3 game, custom tailored towards the needs of the Kellerkompanie community ( Not all parts are self-written. Where indicated the content does not belong to us, but rather to the original authors. The rest may be used by anyone in any way.
WeaponHolder and child classes inherit from Static, so don't have XEH. WeaponHolderSimulated and child classes inherit from ThingX and so don't have XEH either.
Could be changed in CBA I suppose.
class WeaponHolder: ReammoBox {
class WeaponHolderSimulated: ThingX {
WeaponHolder and child classes inherit from Static, so don't have XEH. WeaponHolderSimulated and child classes inherit from ThingX and so don't have XEH either. Could be changed in CBA I suppose.