kellerza / pysma

Async library for SMA Solar's WebConnect interface
MIT License
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No data retrieved from sma #39

Closed Tokn59 closed 3 years ago

Tokn59 commented 3 years ago

Hi, thank you for sharing this with us !

However I cannot get it to work. I have tried several settings and options provided by other users but still get "Unknown" as values from sma. I have the correct user password and IP address of the sma and I can connect to it using Sunnyboy Explorer.

My configuration.yaml (one of the versions I tried):

- platform: sma
  password: !secret smaPsw
#  ssl: true
#  verify_ssl: false
#  group: user
#  scan_interval: 120
#  sensors:
#    - current_consumption
#    - total_consumption
#    - pv_power
#    - total_yield 
#    - status
#    - pv_gen_meter

No matter what options here I comment out or not .. always get the same "Unknown" values.

The HA log shows :

Logger: pysma Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pysma/ First occurred: 17:03:08 (2 occurrences) Last logged: 17:03:13

Could not start session, Could not connect to SMA at (timeout), got {}

Anything I should do/change or check ?

Big thanks for your help !


Tokn59 commented 3 years ago

btw .. I see the configuration.yaml copy/paste is messed up in the above message. It is OK in the real file. Screenshot :


Remigiusz2020 commented 3 years ago


same problem

kellerza commented 3 years ago

Hi @Tokn59

This line indicates that pysma could not connect to the inverter for some reason:

Could not start session, Could not connect to SMA at (timeout), got {}

especially the (timeout), got {}

Haven't used Sunny Explorer (believe this uses bluetooth), but might support wifi/Ethernet

Possible issues:

  1. Inverter does not support the Webconnect feature
  2. Incorrect IP, incorrect http/https ssl:true or ssl:false. Forgot verify_ssl: false with ssl: true
  3. Multiple sessions (@Remigiusz2020 's issue)

Best way to solve this is to connect with your laptop/browser (rules out # 1). If this does not work (you should get a login page) your inverter might not support Webconnect and this will not work for you

Once you connect you should be able to fine-tune the parameters for # 2.

If you still get the error you might have multiples sessions to your inverter (# 3). Webconnect supports only one. Disconnect your browser and try again

ramoneich commented 3 years ago

Hello, I have the same problem.

  1. I can connect using https://IPADDRESS
  2. ssl:true verify_ssl:false:
  3. I have logged off No values for sensors: pv_gen_meter [6400_0046C300],current_consumption [6100_00543100],pv_current [6380_40452100],pv_voltage [6380_40451F00],pv_power [6100_0046C200],total_consumption [6400_00543A00]. Response from inverter: {'6100_40465300': {'7': [{'val': 0}]}, '6100_00465700': {'7': [{'val': 4997}]}, '6400_00462400': {'7': [{'val': 3471003}]}, '6100_40463700': {'7': [{'val': 1412}]}, '6100_40465400': {'7': [{'val': None}]}, '6100_00464900': {'7': [{'val': None}]}, '6400_00462500': {'7': [{'val': 4074952}]}, '6100_00464A00': {'7': [{'val': None}]}, '6400_00262200': {'7': [{'val': 32}]}, '6100_40465500': {'7': [{'val': None}]}, '6400_00260100': {'7': [{'val': 1705480}]}, '6100_40263F00': {'7': [{'val': 0}]}, '6100_00464800': {'7': [{'val': 22180}]}, '6100_40463600': {'7': [{'val': 0}]}, '6180_08214800': {'7': [{'val': [{'tag': 307}]}]}}

a. I tried with group user as well as installer b. if I play around with the ssl I get the (timeout), got {} as mentioned above c. when I add custom I get a duplicate key warning

Thanks for your help!

Tokn59 commented 3 years ago

You need to use the modbus integration and allow TCP and UDP ports open on the SMA.

kellerza commented 3 years ago

@ramoneich you do get a reply from the inverter, but your sensor values all have that '7' in the result,- waht invertr is this?

So looking at the reply, you cannot use the default sensors, only custom ones. You can create your own custom sensors.. see here for some guidance on the default sensors and the ID's you will likely have to recreate...

This is the reply:

{'6100_40465300': {'7': [{'val': 0}]}, 
'6100_00465700': {'7': [{'val': 4997}]}, 

This custom sensor will give you a frequency sensor with value 49.97 Hz

        key: 6100_00465700
        unit: Hz
        factor: 100
        path: '"7"[0].val'

The important part here is the "path": "7"[0].val

See for more examples on this syntax

Good luck & please post your result here if successful

ramoneich commented 3 years ago

Success! Thank you for the good explanation. I have done this for a friend who swear that it was working before?! I have assumed that it has to do with a firmware-upgrade on sma side. I will collect the information and share it with (all of) you! As soon as we have our code working I will share it as well! Thanks again for showing me the right way!

ramoneich commented 3 years ago

All-right - here are my infos: The problem was I was only given the IP Address of the Storage device (SBS3.7-10). That is where the values come from. As soon as I have entered the IP Adress of the Inverter (SUNNY TRIPOWER 6.0) in the configuration.yaml it gives me almost all the data listed in HOME ASSISTANT Integration documentation.

Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-05 um 15 56 11

As I am also interested in the battery information (so that I know when it is time to charge the car or start the dryer) I used your code (and some code I found in the forum) in order to get the other information from the SBS3.7-10:

  - platform: sma
    host: 192.xx.xx.xx
    ssl: true
    verify_ssl: false
    group: installer
    password: !secret sma_storage
        key: "6100_00495C00"
        unit: V
        factor: 100
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6100_00295A00"
        unit: "%"
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6180_08495E00"
        unit: ""
        # path: '"tag"[0].val' NOT WORKING
        path: '"7"[1].val'
        key: "6402_00497900"
        unit: "#"
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6400_00462400"
        unit: Wh
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6100_00465700"
        unit: Hz
        factor: 100
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6100_00464800"
        unit: V
        factor: 100
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6100_40463900"
        unit: W
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6100_40463700"
        unit: W
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6100_00452200"
        unit: W
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6400_00454B00"
        unit: Wh
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6400_00454C00"
        unit: Wh
        factor: 1  
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: "6400_00461F00"
        unit: kWh
        factor: 1000
        path: '"7"[0].val'

The output looks like that:

![Bildschirmfoto 2020-12-05 um 16 05 50](

And the Logg is telling me the following:

Logger: pysma
Source: /usr/local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/pysma/ 
First occurred: 15:32:03 (426 occurrences) 
Last logged: 16:07:28

No values for sensors: sma_si_daily_pv_energy [6400_00454C00],sma_si_total_pv_energy [6400_00454B00],sma_si_battery_cycles [6402_00497900],sma_si_current_consumption [6100_40463900],sma_si_current_pv_output [6100_00452200]. Response from inverter: {'6100_00465700': {'7': [{'val': 5003}]}, '6180_08495E00': {'7': [{'val': [{'tag': 2291}]}]}, '6400_00461F00': {'7': [{'val': 2028039}]}, '6100_00464800': {'7': [{'val': 22249}]}, '6100_00295A00': {'7': [{'val': 0}]}, '6100_40463700': {'7': [{'val': 1561}]}, '6100_00495C00': {'7': [{'val': 19}, {'val': None}, {'val': None}]}, '6400_00462400': {'7': [{'val': 3471007}]}}
No values for sensors: sma_si_daily_pv_energy [6400_00454C00],sma_si_total_pv_energy [6400_00454B00],sma_si_battery_cycles [6402_00497900],sma_si_current_consumption [6100_40463900],sma_si_current_pv_output [6100_00452200]. Response from inverter: {'6100_00465700': {'7': [{'val': 5004}]}, '6180_08495E00': {'7': [{'val': [{'tag': 2291}]}]}, '6400_00461F00': {'7': [{'val': 2028039}]}, '6100_00464800': {'7': [{'val': 22298}]}, '6100_00295A00': {'7': [{'val': 0}]}, '6100_40463700': {'7': [{'val': 1557}]}, '6100_00495C00': {'7': [{'val': 19}, {'val': None}, {'val': None}]}, '6400_00462400': {'7': [{'val': 3471007}]}}`

My apologies for not knowing that there are so many different sma devices in the network. My friend explained me in detail that there are in total at least three different devices that have a web interface accessible: Inverter (SUNNY TRIPOWER 6.0), Storage(SBS3.7-10), SMA ENERGY METER

If you need more information I will be happy to share them with you

Thanks for the help @kellerza

hunkyn commented 3 years ago

I am having the same issue. I do not have access to installer group but I setup using user group and I do get some values but most of them are returning as "unknown"

EDIT: I got access to installer and enabled tcp as well and still not getting the values.

kellerza commented 3 years ago

@ramoneich thanks for sharing your setup, hopefully other find it useful!

@hunkyn if you get some values then there is not much we can do. You can try to decipher more keys, but my suggetsion is just to get the total kWh from the grid & utility and then use the HASS utility sensor on them to get daily and monthly averages - there is an example on the main of this repo. You will see even @ramoneich has a bunch of "Unknown" sensors. Some inverters support more than others