kellerza / pysma

Async library for SMA Solar's WebConnect interface
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Fetching data from 2 (or more) devices with overlapping sensor-ids? #65

Closed cpohli closed 3 years ago

cpohli commented 3 years ago

Hi there, first of all a big thank you for your efforts on this, it makes my day a lot more informative (multiple times :-)

Ok, so here is what i actually have (preventing me from update HA to post 21.4)

This i do have to do, because for instance the battery specific sensors are only given by the Sunny Insland, some others only given by the TriPower, some are given by both (identical readouts, but different ids or even identical ids).

I do need sensors from both devices for quite a lot of template sensors to get the bigger picture of the whole installation.

If i am right, after updating post 21.5.x i can only configure ONE device via integrations and cannot use the custom sensors anymore, right?

So i am basically stuck with 21.4.x (i am relying on my personal HA solar dashboard and some calculations that are done there)?

I would very much like to contribute to the pysma library to get the custom sensor data included (how would i do that (new to github stuff, sorry)) and foremost to work out an integration of more than one device. Is that even planned/thought of?)

Thank you very much.

PS; My YAML integration at the moment looks like this (excerpt)

# SMA Solar - Tripower
- platform: sma
    ssl: true
    verify_ssl: false
    password: xxx
#      - current_consumption
#      - total_consumption
      - pv_power
      - daily_yield
      - total_yield
      - grid_power_supplied
      - grid_power_absorbed
#      - grid_power
#      - grid_total_yield

# SMA Akku - Sunny Island 4.4

  - platform: sma
    host: 192.168.0.yyy
    password: yyy
#      - total_yield

        key: '6100_00295A00'
        unit: '%'
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: '6100_00496900'
        unit: W
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: '6100_00496A00'
        unit: W
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'
        key: '6100_40495B00'
        unit: °C
        factor: 1
        path: '"7"[0].val'`
rklomp commented 3 years ago

Updating to 2021.5.0 and later will allow you to add multiple devices using the GUI. Indeed, custom sensors are not supported anymore. I am currently working on adding more sensors to pysma and a way to have different sensors per device type. (

What custom sensors are you currently using? Please have a look in this new file to see if all sensors you need are there.

I hope to get this pull request merged and a pull request for HA approved for version 2021.6.0

EDIT: I see your 4 custom sensors are in the definitions file 🥳

cpohli commented 3 years ago

Oh, thank you for clarification. I updated my original post for some of my custom sensors, if that helps a bit. I will look at the file. If i can help with any data, please ask for it, i will deliver to the best of my knowledge.

cpohli commented 3 years ago

EDIT: I see your 4 custom sensors are in the definitions file 🥳

So, basicly it should work right now? Or is the mentioned file to be included in 2021.6.0? Would very much love to try it. :-)

rklomp commented 3 years ago

As soon as home-assistant/core#51098 has been merged it will be available in the next available release (hopefully 2021.6.0)

cpohli commented 3 years ago

As soon as home-assistant/core#51098 has been merged it will be available in the next available release (hopefully 2021.6.0)

This is sounding good and promising :-) I will wait patiently 👍

rklomp commented 3 years ago

Unfortunately I expect this wont be merged in the upcoming 2021.6.0 release. What kind of HA setup are you running? If you run docker you can easily switch to the dev branch until 2021.7.0 is released. Or for os based setup:

cpohli commented 3 years ago

Oh, that's a pity. Are there any specific reasons for the delay? I'm running HA as a "normal" installation on a Raspberry Pi4. If i use the guide in your kindly provided link, will there be caveats? I know, it's DEV, but as i do run a fairly big HA installation ...

And, if i do this now: will the not yet merged pysma ids talked about here be included in the dev branch right now? Can i go back to stable, once 2021.7.0 is released or am i stuck with dev?

Thank you very much!

rklomp commented 3 years ago

The beta for 2021.6.0 was released the day before these changes were merged and not all changes in dev are added to the beta/new release.

De dev branch is basically beta 2021.6.0 including some extra changes scheduled for 2021.7.0. You can view the beta release notes of 2021.6.0 here to see if there are any breaking changes for your setup:

You should be able to switch back to stable channel with ha supervisor options --channel=stable But as always, make a backup first 😄

cpohli commented 3 years ago

Ok, thank you again :-) I i find an hour of time, i will try this out. Backup for sure. :-)

You don't happen to know when one could expect 2021.7.0 though? I like running this thing on a fairly stable basis (using more than 15 integrations and about 100ish sensors...)

rklomp commented 3 years ago

Great! Let me know once you have been able to test it. Any feedback will be appreciated :)

rklomp commented 3 years ago

The beta for 2021.7.0 is available now :)

cpohli commented 3 years ago

The beta for 2021.7.0 is available now :)

Woohoo, then i think it's time to backup my installation and take a test drive. 👍 Thanks for letting me know, i'll report back.

cpohli commented 3 years ago

Hi, i'm trying out the beta for 2021.7.0 and the multi-device-fetching is working fine. At least in my case with a SMA Tripower 8.0 and a SMA Sunny Island 4.4.

There are a lot of entities created that are "unavailable" or "zero" though and it is a lot work to get rid of them, if you don't actually need to read them (mostly the _l1,2,3 and _a,b,c things) and one is interested in the "totals". On a second thought: i very much liked the possibility to only fetch the keys i'm interested in. In my case i now have over 150 entities created by the integration. These are mostly "unavailable" or not in my interest and are beeing logged by default, with history and all and blowing up the database and also the load on the SMA devices. I would like a way to select and fetch only the 5-10 keys that i need.

And i'm trying to find out what's up with the naming - the actual total yield is named "grid_power_2" and things like that (it's not having to do something with the grid? - shouldn't it called pv_power as before? (It's key v6100_40263F00 on my Tripower.) But those are different things i suspect.

rklomp commented 3 years ago

Thanks for testing!

How do you get 150 entities? Thats a lot. Can you share some screenshots of your current devices and entities? I want to make less used entities disabled by default.

rklomp commented 3 years ago

There are a lot of entities created that are "unavailable" or "zero" though and it is a lot work to get rid of them, if you don't actually need to read them (mostly the _l1,2,3 and _a,b,c things) and one is interested in the "totals".

@cpohli I have create a new pull request for pysma to disable 30 sensors by default. Can you have a look if these are sensors you mean and if there are other sensors you think are not needed by default?

And i'm trying to find out what's up with the naming - the actual total yield is named "grid_power_2" and things like that (it's not having to do something with the grid? - shouldn't it called pv_power as before? (It's key v6100_40263F00 on my Tripower.) But those are different things i suspect.

"grid_power" is the power supplied to the grid by the inverter. "pv_power_a/b" is the power supplied by the solar panels.

cpohli commented 3 years ago

@rklomp I will of course take a look at this. It may take a day or two (not longer), because i'm in my holidays and the family is having demands ;-)

cpohli commented 3 years ago

Thanks for testing!

How do you get 150 entities? Thats a lot. Can you share some screenshots of your current devices and entities? I want to make less used entities disabled by default.

I may have aexaggerated a bit (as in "feels like" :-)), but in fact i do have 102 entities created for my two devices. Here are two screenshots for both.

Some of the entities seem doubled to me (*_2 at the end), as these exist on both devices.

entities_sunny_island entities_tripower

cpohli commented 3 years ago

"grid_power" is the power supplied to the grid by the inverter. "pv_power_a/b" is the power supplied by the solar panels.

Hmmm, the grid_power_2 is (at least in my case) the actual pv power of my whole pv strings a+b (not the one delivered to the grid). The power delivered to the grid is metering_power_supplied.

rklomp commented 3 years ago

"grid_power" is the power supplied to the grid by the inverter. "pv_power_a/b" is the power supplied by the solar panels.

Hmmm, the grid_power_2 is (at least in my case) the actual pv power of my whole pv strings a+b (not the one delivered to the grid). The power delivered to the grid is metering_power_supplied.

The grid_power_2 is the power supplied by the solar inverter on the AC side of the device. pv_power_a and pv_power_b are power of the separate strings on the DC side. metering_power_supplied is measured at your SMA energy meter.

cpohli commented 3 years ago

The grid_power_2 is the power supplied by the solar inverter on the AC side of the device. pv_power_a and pv_power_b are power of the separate strings on the DC side. metering_power_supplied is measured at your SMA energy meter.

Ok, maybe i misunderstood something here, as i see the sum of pv_power_a and pv_power_b equals grid_power_2. And grid_power_2 is not always delivered to the grid (leaving my house) but sometimes used to charge the battery. So only metering_power_supplied is really delivered to the grid. In that case "grid" was a bit misinterpreted by me as "leaving the house".