kelleyma49 / PSFzf

A PowerShell wrapper around the fuzzy finder fzf
MIT License
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FuzzyGitStatus causes git bash to open #163

Closed gmkado closed 1 year ago

gmkado commented 1 year ago

I may have something configured incorrectly so please let me know what other info I should provide.

When I cd into my git repo and use Invoke-FuzzyGitStatus, I can see an fzf list of modified files, but navigating the cursor up and down shows nothing in the preview pane. Instead, an instance of git bash keeps opening and closing immediately. It looks like it briefly displays a preview in the bash instance before closing.

Am I missing a setting or third party application? Thanks!

gmkado commented 1 year ago

I think I've tracked it down to this line, which opens git bash to run the shell script

kelleyma49 commented 1 year ago

@gmkado , please try the 2.5.2 prerelease and let me know if it fixes your issue

gmkado commented 1 year ago

Thanks @kelleyma49 for the response! I tried v2.5.2 and it still opens bash briefly in a separate window, and the preview pane is blank.

kelleyma49 commented 1 year ago

What shell are you taking to launch psfzf?

gmkado commented 1 year ago

Nevermind I just had to relaunch my powershell, now it works!