kelleyma49 / PSFzf

A PowerShell wrapper around the fuzzy finder fzf
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Unable to use Invoke-FuzzyEdit to edit file with CLI text editor #242

Open ilvon opened 5 months ago

ilvon commented 5 months ago

I am now using Powershell 7.4.0. I set the environment variable of editor to "nano" with $env:editor = "nano" When I tried to use Invoke-FuzzyEdit / by using the alias fe, not only that I cannot use nano to edit the file, but it also turn my terminal behave weird (shown as the following gif) This also happen if i modify the PSFzf.psm1 file to allow using another command-line text editor "micro" for the editor launch option for Invoke-FuzzyEdit

*gif that showing the above weird behavior e

Furthermore, if the selected directory path from Invoke-FuzzyEdit contains spacing, the editor cannot open it successfully because of it. p

I guess the issue caused by path with spacing can be fixed by adding double quote to the path in Get-EditorLaunch()

function Get-EditorLaunch() {


    elseif ($editor -eq 'nano') {
        else {
            "$editor$editorOptions  +{1} ""{0}""" -f $(Resolve-Path $FileList.Trim('"')), $LineNum  #<----- this line
kelleyma49 commented 5 months ago

I couldn't recreate the rendering issues you're seeing, but it might be a race condition where fzf hasn't been killed.

I do have a fix for the path with spaces issue (#243)

ilvon commented 5 months ago

For more information, I am using Powershell 7.4.1 (just upgraded few days ago) + Windows Terminal 1.18.3181.0 + fzf 0.45.0 + nano 7.2-1 (from msys2) + PSReadLine 2.3.4 . I also tried to disable other unnecessary module from Powershell and with a blank pwsh profile, such rendering issue still exist.