kelleyma49 / PSFzf

A PowerShell wrapper around the fuzzy finder fzf
MIT License
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Feature request: Adding trailing slash for directory when tab completion. #259

Open segln opened 4 months ago

segln commented 4 months ago

Please add a trailing slash option for directory when tab completion.


cd C:\Us_

Pressing \<Tab>:


cd C:\Users

Trailing slash

cd C:\Users\

Thank you for your consideration.

segln commented 4 months ago

I think it can be done with removing the conditional statement below, but maybe there have been a reason for its existence...

#if ($script:continueCompletion) {
    $isQuoted = $str.EndsWith("'")
    $resultTrimmed = $str.Trim(@('''', '"'))
    if (Test-Path "$resultTrimmed"  -PathType Container) {
        if ($isQuoted) {
            $str = "'{0}{1}'" -f "$resultTrimmed", $script:TabContinuousTrigger
        else {
            $str = "$resultTrimmed" + $script:TabContinuousTrigger
    else {
        # no more paths to complete, so let's stop completion:
        $str += ' '
        $script:continueCompletion = $false