kelleyma49 / PSFzf

A PowerShell wrapper around the fuzzy finder fzf
MIT License
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Fail to add `--multi` to `$env:FZF_CTRL_T_OPTS` #265

Open owenstake opened 3 months ago

owenstake commented 3 months ago

I try to multi select items in ctrl+t. But it failed.

kelleyma49 commented 3 months ago

--multi is on by default in order to match fzf's default behavior.

Can you share your $env: settings?

owenstake commented 3 months ago

--multi is on by default in order to match fzf's default behavior.

Can you share your $env: settings?


    --border --reverse --ansi --height 60%
    --prompt 'All> '
    --preview '(bat --color=always {} || cd {} && fd . --max-depth 1 --strip-cwd-prefix --color always) 2> nul'
    --header 'CTRL-D: Dirs / CTRL-F: Files / CTRL-T: Eza / CTRL-S: Scoop-UI-Apps
CTRL-O: Open / CTRL-Y: Copy / CTRL-I: Copy path / CTRL-L: Zlua'
    --bind 'ctrl-/:toggle-preview'
    --bind 'ctrl-d:change-prompt(Directories> )+reload(fd --type directory)'
    --bind 'ctrl-f:change-prompt(Files> )+reload(fd --type file )'
    --bind 'ctrl-l:change-prompt(Zlua> )+reload(powershell -c zff)'
    --bind 'ctrl-s:change-prompt(Scoop-Ui-App> )+reload(eza --color=always --sort new --reverse `"%scoopUiApps%/`")'
    --bind 'ctrl-t:change-prompt(Eza> )+reload(eza --color=always --sort new --reverse %cd% )'
    --bind 'ctrl-o:execute-silent(start %cd%/{})'
    --bind `"ctrl-i:execute-silent(powershell -c Set-Clipboard ' %cd%/{}' )`"
    --bind `"ctrl-y:execute-silent(powershell -c yww '{}')`"