kellnerd / harmony

Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer
MIT License
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Select the release with the matching GTIN if iTunes API returns multiple #10

Closed kellnerd closed 2 weeks ago

kellnerd commented 3 weeks ago

iTunes: The API also returned 1 other result, which was skipped:

The other result would have been the correct one with GTIN 197875266348.

iTunes: Extracted GTIN 197985529395 (from artwork URL) does not match the looked up value 197875266348

In this case, both image URLs contain the corresponding barcode, but this is not always the case unfortunately:

iTunes: The API also returned 1 other result, which was skipped:

That would've been the correct result 🫤

Another example where GTIN would help:

kellnerd commented 2 weeks ago

Fixed (as far as possible) in