kellnerd / harmony

Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer
MIT License
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Spotify provider #16

Closed phw closed 2 weeks ago

phw commented 3 weeks ago

Implement a Spotify provider based on the Spotify Web API.

Implementation notes:

Related to #5

phw commented 3 weeks ago

@kellnerd What is the state here? Has someone already done some work for Spotify support? Would you mind if I'd give this a go?

kellnerd commented 3 weeks ago

@RustyNova016 had expressed interest on the forums:

I’m a Spotify main so I don’t really have an use rn. I’ll see to learn about the project and help implement it. If I got time.

But no clear commitment so far, so I will assign the issue to you @phw. That would be the process I hope to establish per my initial notes on #5 at least.

phw commented 2 weeks ago

Some notes about the Track Relinking for future reference: For now this does not seem to affect the provider. The track relinking is only happening if requesting a track from the API with a specific market set. Otherwise no relinking is happening and the available markets are simply indicated with the available_markets attribute.

Here are shortened replies for the example track 6kLCHFM39wkFjOuyPGLGeQ. When requesting with market set to US:


The result is a mix of the originally requested track and the actually returned track. That relinking happened is indicated by the linked_from field. Also when requesting with a market is_playable shows if the track is actually playable there (it is in this case, but only because relinking happened). There is never a available_markets attribute.

  "id": "4gNlDPuBlf3rxkxRaDTAvf",
  "name": "Heaven and Hell",
  "duration_ms": 243053,
  "track_number": 7,
  "linked_from": {
    "external_urls": {
      "spotify": ""
    "href": "",
    "id": "6kLCHFM39wkFjOuyPGLGeQ",
    "type": "track",
    "uri": "spotify:track:6kLCHFM39wkFjOuyPGLGeQ"
  "is_playable": true,
  "external_ids": {
    "isrc": "USLB11110086"
  "external_urls": {
    "spotify": ""
  "uri": "spotify:track:4gNlDPuBlf3rxkxRaDTAvf",
  "href": "",
  "preview_url": "",
  "type": "track"

If doing the same request but without the market=US parameter the result changes to:

  "id": "6kLCHFM39wkFjOuyPGLGeQ",
  "name": "Heaven and Hell",
  "duration_ms": 243053,
  "track_number": 7,
  "available_markets": [],
  "external_ids": {
    "isrc": "USLB11110086"
  "external_urls": {
    "spotify": ""
  "uri": "spotify:track:6kLCHFM39wkFjOuyPGLGeQ",
  "href": "",
  "preview_url": "",
  "type": "track"

The result now fully represents the requested track. Both linked_from and is_playable are never present. Instead the result now contains the list of available markets in available_markets. Side note: The list is indeed empty here, but only for this example, which seems to be available in no market at all. For all other cases I tested the list was filled.

RustyNova016 commented 2 weeks ago

@RustyNova016 had expressed interest on the forums:

And I still do! But this week and probably the next is quite a wild ride so I can't really do anything for now.

phw commented 2 weeks ago

And I still do! But this week and probably the next is quite a wild ride so I can't really do anything for now.

@RustyNova016 Sorry if I got in the way. I was just very keen on having this tool to support Spotify, so I started right away. But please definitely take a look at Harmony if you want to improve something. I found it a pleasure to work with the code. It is really extensible, and I think already better in its current state than a-tisket. There is likely a lot that could and should be added, but with this codebase it will actually be doable :)

RustyNova016 commented 2 weeks ago

Nah it's fine. With features like this the faster they are done, the better. Even more that I got other projects to work on.

I did check the codebase a bit and it looks pretty clean, but without enough comments. Do want to get a docker environment started first before doing work still.