kellnerd / harmony

Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer
MIT License
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seed track URLs to MusicBrainz recordings #37

Open UltimateRiff opened 2 weeks ago

UltimateRiff commented 2 weeks ago

mostly for individual track pages, but I believe Bandcamp can have different licenses per track (tho I don't know if that'd be a recording or work URL...), for example

kellnerd commented 2 weeks ago

While this should not be difficult to implement, I imagine this feature would be a PITA to use with one tab for each recording being opened which has to be submitted.

UltimateRiff commented 2 weeks ago

this is true... I might propose a new MusicBrainz feature to make this easier? I feel like more relationships and data might be worth the work either way tho~

edit: created MBS-13619 for this