kellnerd / harmony

Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer
MIT License
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doesn't add "purchase for download" Bandcamp links? #44

Closed UltimateRiff closed 6 days ago

UltimateRiff commented 1 week ago

while importing this release, I noticed Harmony didn't add the purchase relationship to the Bandcamp URL. this should be happening, since the release is a "name your price" release

(this release is already imported here, with the link manually added)

kellnerd commented 1 week ago

The current logic is quite simple, the provider only adds the free or the paid download link depending on the minimum price: Does it make sense to add both link types for "name your price" (since you can technically download it for free) or is this rather a paid only download where you can pay 0$? I wonder if there is any download on Bandcamp you can not pay for and only get for free.

kellnerd commented 6 days ago

I have now made the logic for "paid download" and "free download" more independent in (currently only on my development branch), we will see if there are any releases which can be downloaded for free but not paid for.

UltimateRiff commented 6 days ago

there is in fact the option of only free downloads:

kellnerd commented 6 days ago

Cool, thanks for the example, so free downloads also work as expected with my new logic.