kellnerd / harmony

Music Metadata Aggregator and MusicBrainz Importer
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Support standalone Bandcamp tracks #7

Closed mwiencek closed 1 month ago

mwiencek commented 1 month ago

Some /track/ URLs on Bandcamp represent singles (often with their own cover art) that aren't otherwise released as part of an album.

It seems you can distinguish these from album tracks by checking TrAlbumCurrent.album_id, which is null for tracks without an associated album. (Perhaps there is another, more obvious way that I missed.)

In the second commit, I was able to extract an ISRC for these tracks where available. (Apparently Bandcamp only embeds ISRCs on track pages, not album pages?)

This is probably very hacky since I was still trying to wrap my head around the codebase, but I'm happy to improve it.

A few URLs I tested with: