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Testing for April 12th - start planemo machine & updating planemo image #11

Open canghel opened 9 years ago

canghel commented 9 years ago

Some of my issues go back to previous testing, since it took a whole afternoon last time to figure out which Google Developer account we were using, and ran out of time to do a lot of testing. I'm a beginner at this, so apologies ahead of time.

"To start up the Planemo Machine under GCE" Issues

So this is a long explanation, please read until the end.

Issue 1) My first attempt at command line didn't work:

canghel@odl-boutroslab1440:~/SMCtesting$ gcloud compute images create planemo-machine-image --source-uri NAME PROJECT ALIAS DEPRECATED STATUS ERROR: (gcloud.compute.images.create) Some requests did not succeed:

This may have been since the billing wasn't enabled on the account. So then I went into "To deploy via web interface" commands and followed the steps (which were easier to follow), but got stuck at 5.6.: "For the image, Select 'planemo-machine-image'"

Issue 2) There was no planemo-machine-image as an option. Why?

I went to "Equivalent REST or command line" at the end of the webpage, and clicked on "command line" which gave me something that looked similar to what is in the instructions. A mash-up of that line plus the line "gcloud compute images create planemo-machine-image --source-uri" seemed to work:

gcloud compute --project "vernal-parser-88722" images create planemo-machine-image --source-uri ""

Issue 3) So please maybe mention where you are putting the project-id? e.g. "level-elevator-666" or some example name id, since that was missing in the example command (i.e. It says "replace YOUR-PROJECT-ID with the Google cloud project" but I don't see any mention of the project-id in the command.)

Suggestion) I got to this point: canghel@odl-boutroslab1440:~/SMCtesting$ gcloud compute instances create planemo \

--machine-type n1-standard-2 --image planemo-machine-image \
--zone us-central1-f --tags http-server

Created []. NAME ZONE MACHINE_TYPE INTERNAL_IP EXTERNAL_IP STATUS planemo us-central1-f n1-standard-2 RUNNING

Then I tried to click on, which was not the right thing to do! I remembered Chris C copied and pasted numbers into the web browser, so when I followed the directions and copied into the web browser, it worked! So I would add something like this to beginners:

Now if you navigate to the listed EXTERNAL_IP, you will find the running Planemo-Machine (i.e. copy the EXTERNAL_IP address [is it called an address?] into the web browser).

This would help newbies like me who are used to web addresses starting with "https://".

Final question: How do you turn off a VM? (i.e. It says to turn it off it you are not using it. So I hope logging out of my terminal will be enough?)

"Updating Planemo Image" Section

canghel@odl-boutroslab1440:~/SMCtesting$ gcloud compute images delete planemo-machine-image The following images will be deleted:

Do you want to continue (Y/n)? Y

Deleted [].

But: ubuntu@planemo:~$ gcloud compute images delete planemo-machine-image didn't.

This is about all I have time to do today...

canghel commented 9 years ago

The formatting is all funny...