kelly / node-i2c

Node.js native bindings for i2c-dev. Plays well with Raspberry Pi and Beaglebone.
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possible eventemitter memory leak detected. #28

Closed betz closed 10 years ago

betz commented 10 years ago


I would like to ask you if you could help me with my code. I am trying for almost 4 hours now, and think I am slowly going insane. :)

The problem I got is that I get the 'possible eventemitter memory leak detected' error after I write 10 times to the i2c device.

I got this code:

function write2address(address, hex) {
  wire = new i2c(address, {device: '/dev/i2c-0'});
  wire.writeByte(hex, function(err) {});

Now, I call this code each time I want to write something. I guess this is not ok, and I would need to instantiate the wire var only once and apply the writeByte method on this. The problem is that my addresses are coming from a database. So they need to be dynamic.

This is what I also tried:

var wires = {};
_.each(addresses, function(address) {
  wires[address] = new i2c(address, {device: '/dev/i2c-0'});

function write2address(address, hex) {
  wires[address].writeByte(hex, function(err) {});

When I call my write2address function, I get 'Cannot write to device' as error.

I know this is a shortcoming on my programming skills, but it appears no one can or wants to help me out on IRC or at the local hackerspace. I would love it if you could help me with this.

Cheers, Tom

betz commented 10 years ago

OK, I found it! Apparently in my second example my address was just plain wrong. Halleluja!