kellygallen / Radphe

Rapid Application Development PHP Hosting Environment that is like how ColdFusion started. Enforces website uniformity and hardens the web hosting service and functions as a application firewall transparent wrapper. Stateless output and templating using blocks of output that can be made out of order, modified, replaced, processed, and then reassemble into the response. A site and host engine.
MIT License
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TODO. #5

Open kellygallen opened 3 years ago

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

Place Holder empty file in engine. Stagger nat sort level numbers to 10's digits. Now before is not really needed but I still want it an option. Module will install its own event levels. Also search for levels not in core... for futre less or limited per line eval with controls... making non-core installed level less qualified and auto.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

Before must be the fisrt nat sort module of it's level. There can be only one. Prebuild include levels array if have to. Maybe even move core out of mod that would make it very easy as is.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

Its time to implement RUSH. Its first taks is to form a metadata modification lock to the files/events to be included... that can be permissive or error locked. Later comes auto putting files back and both external and nested install of site engine.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

also disabling of file upload by size & site engine refusing processing and forcing it through perl.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

since i will prebuild array of events... glob will not be needed. Form a indexed array of every file that glob currently includes without it; then it retains php 5+ find my old array diff code if possible use that.

make debug always recurese and retry like i did to see into wordpress array. I think i did that back in like 2007 maybe thats why it say object code in project that made them freek out. perhaps it wasnt a server config for debug that made it do that. maybe it's always been there and I just lost that change in the madness and 40tb of images and backups nested in archives.

make that objects and classes and functions. be prepared for either optcode, or source. then comes the rest of rush, and cache. with extra better server state php kernel locking. becasue I will be able to tell if someone overloaded anything with the side files of a modules events.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

make kickstart file output modual and role selection with out deep intel and learning then i can start building roles that i will use for ABCDEem and distros... so that I can make them. It will not have instance conrtol, backup, or monitoring... start with hard coded roles. it will however remember role from basic fingerprint assignment or pre-re-assignment editing of the table. make custom spin of centos minimal-net - possibly with boot timeout to add location of its kickstart or default to demo server. By this time I need a good demo/project production server; to not curse people... and it helps if the server actually has sleep and floating point.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

then i can release a ABCDem/Distros hardcoded spin maker. Which precedes the Absolute Disaster Restore Medium Seed Builder which is the same plus scripted migration. Targeted at USB or mDisk size. So it dosent have to be minimal. It can include the lazy mirror of distross and even the internet transparent disk cache.

At this point it is still manual install for many things. But tis might be a good point in time to change it and reachive the Distros proof of concept. [the max control and useage of kickstart and post scripting and cronjob post boot abilities. and the inward firewall reverse C&C connection.] Then it gets serious... take all hills of project scope as end goal inteneded.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

respin/mod kaskersky boot to be a all types recursion search indexer; for the next 40tb or incase i get the old stuff back. and make it accept a known password and password parts (bruite force dictionary) for the passworded resources. **Ohh yeah, thats nice! ;-)