kellygallen / Radphe

Rapid Application Development PHP Hosting Environment that is like how ColdFusion started. Enforces website uniformity and hardens the web hosting service and functions as a application firewall transparent wrapper. Stateless output and templating using blocks of output that can be made out of order, modified, replaced, processed, and then reassemble into the response. A site and host engine.
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fcgi support, nginx, and windows. #6

Closed kellygallen closed 3 years ago

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

remove or work around apache_env hiding db credentials... or make fcgi version. Will need sophisticated installer script or more complicated user instructions.

however install may get easier over all because .user.ini is recursive like .htaccess

then I guess also make nginx install instructions as well.

then script will be ready for any nix stack config.

Later do testing on windows type setups.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

which means if i make php-mod-rewrite functionality... I can make fairly well do away with .htaccess all together. But lets not get carried away. It will enact both, and the php implementation will actually scan .htaccess up to the site root. so it will be there, but it will work without AllowOverride All it will even work with AllowOverride None as is default CentOS 8 and many others. Why is AllowOverride all or nothing people? you can specify.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

fix turning off gzip deflate with and for a single request. fix turning off output buffering, behind fpm. thats what is wrong with trying to stream mJPEG JS Terminal example. See, I told you MOD_PHP was better. With the Prefork, there are to many su chefs in the kitchen and they dont listen.

We will see if it is an old answer to an old problem. I wonder how php8 handles it. This is what I am talking about, or suspect at the moment.

kellygallen commented 3 years ago

Dont hold your breath for FASTCGI PHP support... it mostly works... but it can not work for some of the advanced things like being the driving force behind the webserver apache binary. Running under else, is not really all that fakeable without greatly altering code. especially for mjsterm. But if you want to use it in FCGI or XAMPP.... i currently am using XAMPP to work offline and I am not working on MJSTERM right now. everything else seems to work.