kelseyhightower / nocode

The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Apache License 2.0
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Bug report #5248

Open ldcivan opened 2 months ago

ldcivan commented 2 months ago

When I add a function to do nothing, console return some error like this:

And here is where bug located:

Waiting for someone to answer me!

Reimnop commented 2 months ago

Oh, no, this isn't a bug, you just misused the function to do nothing. If you do this instead:

It will return the expected output, like this:

EnjoyGamer3698 commented 1 month ago

Oh,bro.This is not a bug, this program is just like that

Technofreakcritic commented 1 month ago

I see your issue, you need to add this to the code to navigate against this issue.

It's more of an architecture issue. They will patch it up in the next update.