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Digitize the Petition Process to Accelerate Petition Drafting #14

Open geekswagg opened 1 week ago

geekswagg commented 1 week ago



To create a digital system for drafting petitions to streamline and accelerate the petition process. This feature aims to enhance the user experience by allowing petitioners to draft, edit, and submit petitions online efficiently.


User Interface for Petition Drafting:

  1. Create a user-friendly form to input petition details (title, description, objectives, target audience, etc.).
  2. Implement a text editor with basic formatting options (bold, italic, underline, bullet points, etc.).

Template Management:

  1. Provide predefined templates for common petition types.
  2. Allow users to save custom templates for future use.

Collaboration and Review:

  1. Enable multiple users to collaborate on a single petition draft.
  2. Implement a review and feedback system where collaborators can comment on specific sections of the draft.

Version Control:

  1. Track changes and maintain a version history for each petition draft.
  2. Allow users to revert to previous versions if needed.

Submission and Tracking:

  1. Integrate a submission system where users can submit petitions for approval.
  2. Provide tracking status and notifications for submitted petitions.

Technical Requirements:


  1. Framework: [React/Vue.js/Blazor]
  2. Libraries: [Quill.js/TinyMCE] for text editing, [Axios/Fetch] for API requests


  1. Framework: [.NET Core/Node.js]
  2. Database: [SQL/NoSQL] for storing petition data, templates, and version history

Collaboration & Review:

  1. Use WebSockets or similar for real-time collaboration.
  2. Implement an API for commenting and feedback.

Version Control:

  1. Use a version control library or implement a custom solution for tracking changes.

Authentication & Authorization:

  1. Integrate user authentication (OAuth/JWT).
  2. Define roles and permissions for creating, editing, and approving petitions.


Setup Project Structure:

  1. Initialize the project repository with frontend and backend directories.
  2. Setup basic project configuration and dependencies.

Create Petition Draft Form:

  1. Design and implement the petition drafting form.
  2. Integrate text editor for input fields.

Develop Template Management:

  1. Implement functionality to select and save templates.
  2. Design a UI for managing templates.

Implement Collaboration Features:

  1. Setup real-time collaboration using WebSockets.
  2. Create an API for comments and feedback.

Build Version Control:

  1. Develop a system to track changes and maintain version history.
  2. Implement UI for viewing and reverting changes.

Submission System:

  1. Create an API for submitting petitions.
  2. Develop a tracking system with notifications.

Expected Outcome

A fully functional digital petition system that allows users to efficiently draft, collaborate, submit, and track petitions. This will significantly reduce the time and effort required for petition creation and submission.