kelvinndmo / ke-accountability

Public tallying system, by developers for the people
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Feature Request: Track Assets and Businesses Owned by Kenyan Politicians and their families to Identify Potential Looters of Taxpayer Money #3

Open ggakila opened 1 week ago

ggakila commented 1 week ago

I propose the development of a comprehensive feature to track the assets, businesses, and net worth of all politicians in Kenya. The primary objective is to identify potential misappropriation of taxpayer money by pinpointing the biggest looters.

Data Collection: Compile a detailed database of assets (real estate, vehicles, etc.) and businesses owned by Kenyan politicians. Gather information on the net worth of each politician.

Data Analysis: Analyze the data to identify discrepancies between declared assets and known sources of income. Highlight politicians whose assets significantly exceed their known income, indicating potential corruption.

Reporting: Generate reports and visualizations that clearly identify the biggest looters of taxpayer money. Provide an interface for users to access and explore this data.