kelvintaywl / terraform-provider-circleci

(Unofficial) Terraform Provider for CircleCI
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Consider support for self-hosted Runner resources #35

Closed kelvintaywl closed 1 year ago

kelvintaywl commented 1 year ago

Right now, CircleCI users have to set up self-hosted Runners by creating resources like a Runner resource class and token. Users have to create these resource via a CircleCI CLI.


It would improve developer experience if this (or any) CircleCI Terraform provider can map the management of Runner resource class and tokens via Terraform then. I imagine platform teams can leverage this to define their self-hosted runners completely in IaC.

For reference, Buildkite's Terraform provider does allow their users to manage tokens for runners (agents):

One challenge is mapping the CircleCI CLI commands though. Under the hood, likely it fires a GraphQL or RESTful API, so we may be able to take advantage of that.

context: this provider uses CircleCI V2 API (through this SDK) so this does not include any Runner related APIs to manage Runner resource class.

kelvintaywl commented 1 year ago

After some quick digging, it looks possible to implement with the Go SDK. The runner resource class and token management are via RESTful APIs: Ref:

kelvintaywl commented 1 year ago

After exploring and confirming the APIs, I've made a (separate) Go SDK for the Runner APIs here:

reasons for separate SDK: