kelyvin / Google-Messages-For-Desktop

A "native-like" OS X, Windows, & Linux desktop app for Google Messages
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Rebuilt zipfiles, added basic python build script #42

Open dkfurrow opened 3 years ago

dkfurrow commented 3 years ago

Hi @kelyvin So I was able to get this to build, on linux anyway. I'm more comfortable with python, so I put together a python script to run the npx command and zip the files. This is current as of electron 12.0.10. I have tested the windows and linux versions...I don't use a mac, so can't test that. I see you're looking for some help to do an automated build. I think what I would have to do from here is use the github api to do a commit. I've not done it before, but it looks straightforward from the examples. Thanks, Dale