ken1714 / dehazing-sample

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GitLabからGitHubへの移行 #20

Closed ken1714 closed 2 years ago

ken1714 commented 2 years ago


ken1714 commented 2 years ago
ken1714 commented 2 years ago




  1. ソースコードの移行
  2. GitLab/GitHubでアクセストークンの発行
  3. Node.jsおよびnpmのインストール
  4. 移行設定ファイルの修正
  5. 移行作業の実行
ken1714 commented 2 years ago

1. ソースコードの移行


$ git clone --mirror
$ cd programming-training.git
$ git remote add --mirror=push dehazing-sample
$ git push dehazing-sample 
```shell $ git clone --mirror $ cd programming-training.git $ git remote add --mirror=push dehazing-sample $ git push dehazing-sample Warning: Permanently added the ECDSA host key for IP address 'AAA.BBB.CCC.DDD' to the list of known hosts. Enumerating objects: 297, done. Counting objects: 100% (297/297), done. Delta compression using up to 8 threads Compressing objects: 100% (121/121), done. Writing objects: 100% (297/297), 5.87 MiB | 2.98 MiB/s, done. Total 297 (delta 168), reused 297 (delta 168) remote: Resolving deltas: 100% (168/168), done. To * [new branch] master -> master * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/1/head -> refs/merge-requests/1/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/1/merge -> refs/merge-requests/1/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/10/head -> refs/merge-requests/10/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/10/merge -> refs/merge-requests/10/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/11/head -> refs/merge-requests/11/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/11/merge -> refs/merge-requests/11/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/12/head -> refs/merge-requests/12/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/12/merge -> refs/merge-requests/12/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/2/head -> refs/merge-requests/2/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/2/merge -> refs/merge-requests/2/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/3/head -> refs/merge-requests/3/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/3/merge -> refs/merge-requests/3/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/4/head -> refs/merge-requests/4/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/4/merge -> refs/merge-requests/4/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/5/head -> refs/merge-requests/5/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/5/merge -> refs/merge-requests/5/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/6/head -> refs/merge-requests/6/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/6/merge -> refs/merge-requests/6/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/7/head -> refs/merge-requests/7/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/7/merge -> refs/merge-requests/7/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/8/head -> refs/merge-requests/8/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/8/merge -> refs/merge-requests/8/merge * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/9/head -> refs/merge-requests/9/head * [new branch] refs/merge-requests/9/merge -> refs/merge-requests/9/merge ```
ken1714 commented 2 years ago

2. GitLab/GitHubでアクセストークンの発行


Go to Settings / Access Tokens. Create a new Access Token with api and read_repository scopes and copy that into the settings.ts

github.token Go to Settings / Developer settings / Personal access tokens. Generate a new token with repo scope and copy that into the settings.ts


ken1714 commented 2 years ago


aptによりnpmをインストールすることは可能であるが、Node.jsのバージョンが12未満の場合、issueおよびmerge requestの移行処理の実行時にエラーが起きてしまう。

$ sudo apt install npm
$ nodejs -v


$ cd node-gitlab-2-github
$ npm i
$ npm run start

> gitlab-2-github@0.1.5 start /root/node-gitlab-2-github
> node node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js ./src/index.ts

Transferring Milestones
Transferring Labels
Already exists: c++
Already exists: docker
Already exists: python
Already exists: ros
Already exists: setup
Already exists: has attachment
Already exists: gitlab merge request
Transferring Issues
Transferring 19 issues.

Migrating issue #1 ('Dockerインストール')...
    ...ERROR while migrating issue #1.
 TypeError: body.matchAll is not a function
    at /root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/utils.ts:45:24
    at step (/root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/utils.ts:52:23)
    at (/root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/utils.ts:33:53)
    at /root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/utils.ts:27:71
    at new Promise (<anonymous>)
    at __awaiter (/root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/utils.ts:23:12)
    at Object.exports.migrateAttachments (/root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/utils.ts:36:132)
    at GithubHelper.<anonymous> (/root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/githubHelper.ts:828:36)
    at step (/root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/githubHelper.ts:52:23)
    at (/root/node-gitlab-2-github/src/githubHelper.ts:33:53)
    -> creating a replacement issue...
    ...ERROR: Could not create replacement issue either!


ken1714 commented 2 years ago



FROM ubuntu:20.04
ENV DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive
ENV TZ=Asia/Tokyo

# Install npm and node.js
RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl
RUN apt-get install -y npm nodejs

# Install n and the node.js v12.0.0
RUN npm install -g n
RUN n 12.0.0


$ cd node-gitlab-2-github
$ docker image build . -t node-gitlab2github-image
$ docker run -it -v $PWD:/root/node-gitlab-2-github --name node-gitlab2github node-gitlab2github-image bash
ken1714 commented 2 years ago


$ npm i
npm WARN old lockfile 
npm WARN old lockfile The package-lock.json file was created with an old version of npm,
npm WARN old lockfile so supplemental metadata must be fetched from the registry.
npm WARN old lockfile 
npm WARN old lockfile This is a one-time fix-up, please be patient...
npm WARN old lockfile 

up to date, audited 221 packages in 6s

24 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

3 moderate severity vulnerabilities

To address all issues, run:
  npm audit fix

Run `npm audit` for details.
$ npm run start

> gitlab-2-github@0.1.5 start
> node node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js ./src/index.ts

  throw err;

Error: Cannot find module '/root/node-gitlab-2-github/node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js'
    at Function.Module._resolveFilename (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:933:15)
    at Function.Module._load (node:internal/modules/cjs/loader:778:27)
    at Function.executeUserEntryPoint [as runMain] (node:internal/modules/run_main:81:12)
    at node:internal/main/run_main_module:17:47 {
  requireStack: []

Node.js v17.3.0
ken1714 commented 2 years ago

4. 移行設定ファイルの修正


import Settings from './src/settings';

export default {
  gitlab: {
    // url: '',
    token: '(GitLabのアクセストークン),
    projectId: (表示されたprojectIdを指定。1回目の実行時はnullとする),
    sessionCookie: null,
  github: {
    // baseUrl: '',
    owner: 'ken1714',
    token: '(GitHubのアクセストークン)',
    repo: 'dehazing-sample',
  // s3: {
  //   accessKeyId: '{{accessKeyId}}',
  //   secretAccessKey: '{{secretAccessKey}}',
  //   bucket: 'my-gitlab-bucket',
  // },
  usermap: {
    'ken1714': 'ken1714',
    '(GitLabでの表示名)': 'ken1714',  // ここはおそらく不要
  projectmap: {
    'ken1714/programming-training': 'ken1714/dehazing-sample',
  conversion: {
    useLowerCaseLabels: true,
  transfer: {
    milestones: false,
    labels: false,
    issues: false,
    mergeRequests: true,
  debug: false,
  usePlaceholderIssuesForMissingIssues: true,
  useReplacementIssuesForCreationFails: true,
  useIssuesForAllMergeRequests: false,
  filterByLabel: null,
  skipMatchingComments: [],
  mergeRequests: {
    logFile: './merge-requests.json',
    log: false,
} as Settings;
ken1714 commented 2 years ago

5. 移行作業の実行


$ cd node-gitlab-2-github
$ npm i
$ npm run start


```shell $ npm i npm WARN @octokit/plugin-throttling@3.5.2 requires a peer of @octokit/core@^3.5.0 but none is installed. You must install peer dependencies yourself. audited 222 packages in 1.589s found 1 moderate severity vulnerability run `npm audit fix` to fix them, or `npm audit` for details $ npm run start > gitlab-2-github@0.1.5 start /root/node-gitlab-2-github > node node_modules/ts-node/dist/bin.js ./src/index.ts ================================== Transferring Issues ================================== Transferring 19 issues. Migrating issue #1 ('Dockerインストール')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 3 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #1. Migrating issue #2 ('Pythonで機械学習を行う環境を構築')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 15 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #2. Migrating issue #3 ('ROSインストール')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 4 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #3. Migrating issue #4 ('ROS Tutorials')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 6 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #4. Migrating issue #5 ('Ubuntu20.04インストール(デュアルブート)')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 11 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #5. Migrating issue #6 ('Dockerfile作成チュートリアル')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 12 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #6. Migrating issue #7 ('ヘイズ除去サンプルプログラム: main関数の実装')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 7 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #7. Migrating issue #8 ('ヘイズ除去サンプルプログラム: Google Testの導入')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 8 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #8. Migrating issue #9 ('ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: DarkChannelPriorクラスの実装')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 5 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #9. Migrating issue #10 ('ヘイズ除去サンプルプログラム: CI環境の構築')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 2 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #10. Migrating issue #11 ('ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: TransmissonMapクラスの実装')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 6 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #11. Migrating issue #12 ('ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: AtmosphericLightクラスの実装')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 5 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #12. Migrating issue #13 ('ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: RemoveHazeクラスの実装')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 5 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #13. Migrating issue #14 ('ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: 透過率マップの計算の修正')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 5 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #14. Migrating issue #15 ('ヘイズ除去サンプルプログラムのリファクタ')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 9 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #15. Migrating issue #16 ('ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: Dehazingクラスの実装')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 6 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #16. Migrating issue #17 ('CUDAキャッチアップ')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 4 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #17. Migrating issue #18 ('各オブジェクトをスマートポインタで管理するよう修正')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 5 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #18. Migrating issue #19 ('過去コミットのAuthor及びメールアドレスを書き換える')... Migrating issue comments... ...Done creating issue comments (migrated 6 comments, skipped 0 comments) ...DONE migrating issue #19. DONE creating issues. Statistics: Total nr. of issues: 19 Nr. of used placeholder issues: 0 Nr. of used replacement issues: 0 Nr. of issue migration fails: 0 ================================== Transferring Merge Requests ================================== Transferring 12 merge requests Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 1 - Dockerfile作成チュートリアル Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 2 - ヘイズ除去サンプルプログラム: main関数の実装 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 3 - ヘイズ除去サンプルプログラム: Google Testの導入 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 4 - ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: DarkChannelPriorクラスの実装 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 5 - ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: TransmissonMapクラスの実装 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 6 - ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: AtmosphericLightクラスの実装 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 7 - ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: 透過率マップの計算の修正 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 8 - ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: RemoveHazeクラスの実装 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 9 - ヘイズ除去サンプルプログラムのリファクタ Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 10 - ヘイズ除去のCPU実装: Dehazingクラスの実装 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 11 - 各オブジェクトをスマートポインタで管理するよう修正 Gitlab merge request already exists (as github issue): 12 - 過去コミットのAuthor及びメールアドレスを書き換える Transfer complete! ```