kendalleasterly / budgeting

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caching #11

Open kendalleasterly opened 5 months ago

kendalleasterly commented 5 months ago

cache all old transactions bc that is immutsble data and will not be updated. so txns from previous weeks. will save on costs by a lot, and this adds more flexibility in how you store the data (like by month instead of week)

kendalleasterly commented 5 months ago

will be primary DB because firestore will not exist

kendalleasterly commented 5 months ago

use swiftdata not realm because swiftdata is natively supported and created by apple and realm was a substitute for missing features. has a lot of first class support so good

kendalleasterly commented 5 months ago

literally so good i have to use this bro please. and they have cool querying features and really good interoperability with swiftui

kendalleasterly commented 5 months ago

like really easily works with widgets too

kendalleasterly commented 5 months ago

use this paul hudsons playlist about swiftdata because it is robust and teaches you alot and he is awesome as always