kendalleasterly / budgeting

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imporvements from other apps #2

Open kendalleasterly opened 1 year ago

kendalleasterly commented 1 year ago

highlight people's debts , or have people tell the app how much debt they have and encourage them to use their their income, especially excess income to pay off their debt. Highlight their credit card debt. saving up for stuff like a trip would entice people. budgeting for savings. use emojis. so highlight their flaws.

In notifications, have the app act like some needy best friend who is like "I thought we had an agreement. Why don't you love me?"

kendalleasterly commented 1 year ago

"multiple checking accounts. fututre plainning, plan months out, look at transactions that you know are coming. Add in a way to plan for the furture.. we know we have all these bills

you said your rent payment was supposed to be 300, its usually 300, but i saw chase has a transaction for 350 from the merchant that we saw. update the transaction to 350"

kendalleasterly commented 1 year ago

same thing with the forecast. go to any specific month and see about how much money you'll have based on recurring charges and current balance. also use income. let user say they'll spend a certain amount each month on random stuff along with their recurring charges and budgeted stuff ig. let them see where their money will be at any point in the month or a future month, especially for seeing when their balance will be low.

for income see what their regular income source is and let them add their own income source