kendo-labs / kendo-bootstrapper

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can't create new project #4

Closed mxriverlynn closed 11 years ago

mxriverlynn commented 11 years ago

I'm trying to create a new project. I have a folder on my drive, and I am using the folder selection "..." to find it. when i click "ok" to create the project, it asks me to confirm creating in a non-empty directory, even though it is empty. when I check this box and then click ok again, i get an "undefined" alert box.

bsatrom commented 11 years ago

Can you run the app inside of a normal Chrome tab and let us know what you're seeing in the dev tools console?

mxriverlynn commented 11 years ago

i recorded a slightly longer video of all the problems i'm having creating a project. i haven't tried running in "normal chrome" yet

mxriverlynn commented 11 years ago

here is a screenshot running in normal chrome, when the "undefined" error happens

is this related to my kendoui "download"? I grabbed the "dist/bundles/" file from the kendo ui repository, unzipped it to a folder and pointed the bootstrapper at this folder

bsatrom commented 11 years ago

Got the same thing when pointing to a trial download of complete. Node typically throws an "EMFILE" exception when you're trying to open too many files at once and the OS denies access to additional files. I assume this is happening in lib/project.js in the bootstrap function (ln 416) when it tries to copy your Kendo distribution into the new project. @mishoo, is there a programmatic way around this, or should we just copy over kendo.all.min.js rather than the entire project structure?

bsatrom commented 11 years ago

Interestingly, when I delete the cultures directory (which has 355 items), this problem goes away, so it's definitely an issue with the number of concurrent files.

And now that I'm digging into utils.js, I see that you're aware of the EMFILE error, @mishoo. :D anyway, it looks like the limit of 250 on line 92 was still too high for OSX. I dropped it down to 150 and it works now. Will test on Windows in a bit, but going to commit the change.

mxriverlynn commented 11 years ago

did you change it to only copy the min file over? after getting the latest build, which fixes this problem set, i'm only seeing the min file after creating a new project. doesn't that defeat part of the value, here? to do custom builds of just the parts that i need?

bsatrom commented 11 years ago

no, I only changed the file copy limit value. When I tested it, all of the js and css files in my distros were being copied over.

mxriverlynn commented 11 years ago

hmmm.... what distribution did you use? i grabbed the "" from the kendo ui source "dist" folder, and unzipped that. i see all the files in my "js" folder, but they didn't get copied

bsatrom commented 11 years ago

same distribution