When we change the value, the pointer comes to 0 and then goes to the value specified. So if the current value is 20 and we change to 60, then the pointer goes back to 0 and then comes to 60; unlike the behavior in the sample provided in the "Basic Example" tab in the same above link.
We have a radial gauge control, which is having the binding with the value, guageArea and pointer as in the example found in the "passing additional options" tab in the below link: https://rniemeyer.github.io/knockout-kendo/dataviz/RadialGauge.html
When we change the value, the pointer comes to 0 and then goes to the value specified. So if the current value is 20 and we change to 60, then the pointer goes back to 0 and then comes to 60; unlike the behavior in the sample provided in the "Basic Example" tab in the same above link.