kendo-labs / knockout-kendo

A project to create a robust set of Knockout.js bindings for the Kendo UI widgets.
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Kendo Grid and Breeze - Maximum call stack size exceeded #65

Open SkyKnight opened 11 years ago

SkyKnight commented 11 years ago


I'm trying to put together Kendo UI with Knockout and Breeze.js. I have a list of Breeze entities and I would like to bind it to Kendo Grid.

<div data-bind="kendoGrid: accounts, gridOptions: { columns: [{ field: 'Name', title: 'Name' }, { field: 'EMailAddress1', title: 'E-mail' }] }" />

But when I'm running it on browser I'm getting error:

Maximum call stack size exceeded

I found jsfiddle (on some stackoverflow's page) with another Kendo-Knockout binding hack ( ) and it didn't work too, but after my small investigation I found that there is problem with entity's internal property 'entityAspect' which keeps entity state and 'circle reference'.

My point is that it will be cool to control which fields should be ignored by the Knockout-Kendo util.

Sure, I'm new with theese frameworks, so maybe I'm doing something wrong :)

DotNetPart commented 7 years ago

I would like to second this issue. Hard to believe that 3 years later it's still open.