Load yolo.kmodel in FreeRTOS with function kpu_model_load_from_buffer
It seems to be that in standalone it is possible with function:
INCBIN(model, "yolo.kmodel");
kpu_model_context_t task;
kpu_load_kmodel(&task, model_data)
But this functions are not supported in FreeRTOS, so do you know what is the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Actual behavior
It is possible to load detect.kmodel with:
INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_face_detect/detect.kmodel");
uint8_t *model_data_align = model_data;
model_context = kpu_model_load_from_buffer(model_data_align);
But when I try to load yolo model or other models from:
INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_20class/yolo.kmodel");
INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_fast_facedetect/slim-320.kmodel");
INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_iris/iris.kmodel");
INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_ulffd_landmark/ulffd_landmark.kmodel");
INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_yolox/yolox_nano_224.kmodel");
I received in runtime the following error when try to load model with kpu_model_load_from_buffer function:
terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Cannot load kmodel.
W (685254006) SYSCALL: sys_exit called with 0x1
So, if it is not possible to run kmodel, why do you implement s FreeRTOS SDK?
How do you implement detect.kmodel? Are there any documents?
Hi friend, @sunnycase
Expected behavior
Load yolo.kmodel in FreeRTOS with function kpu_model_load_from_buffer It seems to be that in standalone it is possible with function: INCBIN(model, "yolo.kmodel"); kpu_model_context_t task; kpu_load_kmodel(&task, model_data)
But this functions are not supported in FreeRTOS, so do you know what is the problem?
Thanks in advance.
Actual behavior
It is possible to load detect.kmodel with: INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_face_detect/detect.kmodel"); uint8_t *model_data_align = model_data; model_context = kpu_model_load_from_buffer(model_data_align);
But when I try to load yolo model or other models from: INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_20class/yolo.kmodel"); INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_fast_facedetect/slim-320.kmodel"); INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_iris/iris.kmodel"); INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_ulffd_landmark/ulffd_landmark.kmodel"); INCBIN(model, "../src/kfpkg_yolox/yolox_nano_224.kmodel");
I received in runtime the following error when try to load model with kpu_model_load_from_buffer function: terminate called after throwing an instance of 'std::runtime_error'
what(): Cannot load kmodel.
W (685254006) SYSCALL: sys_exit called with 0x1
So, if it is not possible to run kmodel, why do you implement s FreeRTOS SDK? How do you implement detect.kmodel? Are there any documents?
Document version
SDK: https://github.com/kendryte/kendryte-freertos-sdk
Toolchain: https://github.com/kendryte/kendryte-gnu-toolchain
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Windows 10 PlatformIO