Hi all,
I need to use ws2812 driver in FreeRtos-SDK. I have to use bit-banging instead of SPI for ws2812 since I don't have free SPI port. I made required changes to be able to use the ws2812 sample code in FreedRtos-sdk but unfortunately it doesn't work. Puls width is 5us instead of 900ns (both low and high level time are about 2.6us instead while it should be around 300/600 ns.
Hi all, I need to use ws2812 driver in FreeRtos-SDK. I have to use bit-banging instead of SPI for ws2812 since I don't have free SPI port. I made required changes to be able to use the ws2812 sample code in FreedRtos-sdk but unfortunately it doesn't work. Puls width is 5us instead of 900ns (both low and high level time are about 2.6us instead while it should be around 300/600 ns.