I want to read multi-channel I2S data for sound source localization. And I have 8 I2S microphones, using I2S0 on K210 to read them and met some issues:
I am wondering how to set the parameter "uint32_t channel_mask" correctly? Which is in function "void i2s_init(i2s_device_number_t device_num, i2s_transmit_t rxtx_mode, uint32_t channel_mask)"
I already checked the params' brief introcduction of i2s_init():
@brief I2s init
@param[in] device_num The device number
@param[in] rxtx_mode I2s work mode
@param[in] channel_mask Channel mask to which channel work
It seems that the parameter "channel_mask" will decide which channel work.
There is another function when K210 read the I2S signal, that is:
Hi, I want to read multi-channel I2S data for sound source localization. And I have 8 I2S microphones, using I2S0 on K210 to read them and met some issues:
I am wondering how to set the parameter "uint32_t channel_mask" correctly? Which is in function "void i2s_init(i2s_device_number_t device_num, i2s_transmit_t rxtx_mode, uint32_t channel_mask)"
I already checked the params' brief introcduction of i2s_init(): /**
*/ It seems that the parameter "channel_mask" will decide which channel work.
There is another function when K210 read the I2S signal, that is: /**
Note that this function has a parameter "i2s_channel_num_t channel_num", it also seems to be related to channel selection.
How to set the param "channel_mask" in function "i2s_init()" and the param "channel_num" in function "i2s_rx_channel_config"? many thanks!