kendzi / kendzi3d

3D plugin for JOSM
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Kendzi3D Integration in Eclipse #42

Closed sotelea closed 10 years ago

sotelea commented 10 years ago

Can someone please help me with an explicit tutorial for integrating Kendzi3D plugin in Eclipse?

kendzi commented 10 years ago

Setting up project is currently much simpler then in read-me description.

Do as follow:

Project: kendzi3d
Main class: org.openstreetmap.josm.gui.MainApplication
Classpath: Maven Dependencies
sotelea commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot. This tutorial is also complicated for me, because I have no experience with Java. I don't think I downloaded right the project using egit. I followed some tutorials about using egit in Eclipse, but when I check if egit is correctly attached to project, I realize that isn't. Furthermore, when I import the maven projects I have some errors in the pom.xml files...

kendzi commented 10 years ago

Unfortunately git is not the easiest and most intuitive source code management...

I added some description with screenshots to describe how to integrate kendzi3d with eclipse I hope it helps.

sotelea commented 10 years ago

Thanks a lot for the tutorial. It helped me so much! I installed all the maven projects, and they builded successfully. But I still got an error in the kendzi-expressions-josm project, because the compiler doesn't find some classes from the kendzi.kendzi3d.expressions.jj package. these missing because we're not generated or why? How can I fix that? Thank you so much for helping me!

kendzi commented 10 years ago

They are generated by maven but in temporary directory and for some reason maven don't add that directory to source path. So you need to add it manually by:

Right click on project kendzi3d-expressions-javacc > Properties > Java Build Path > Add Folder /target/generated-sources/javacc
