kenepa / translation-manager

Manage your application's translations in Filament.
MIT License
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How to use it after modifying it in the panel #43

Closed zhaiyuxin103 closed 5 months ago

zhaiyuxin103 commented 6 months ago

Need to query the database?

Jehizkia commented 6 months ago

@zhaiyuxin103 Could you elaborate your question? I don't understand what you are trying to ask.

zhaiyuxin103 commented 6 months ago


Sorry, I didn't make it clear My English is not very good First edit a group key in Filament Dashboard How to use it in the page later? Although the language in the database has been changed However, the return values of the trans and __ functions remain unchanged. Or am I misunderstanding the function of the expansion pack?

Jehizkia commented 6 months ago

No problem, thanks for the elaboration.

After you edited a language key using the translation manager on the filament dashboard. For example, you've either changed a value or added a new language for that language key.

How to use it

In case you've just edited the language key, the change should be visible on the dashboard. But if you don't see any change, you'll need to run php artisan cache:clear.

If you have added a new translation for the language key, you'll need to switch languages of your dashboard using the language switcher, and then you'll see the changes you've made in that specific language reflect on the dashboard.

If it's still not clear, could you maybe share a screen recording with me of what you are trying to do? This may help me assist you better.

zhaiyuxin103 commented 6 months ago

Changes can be seen on the dashboard What I want to know is why the return value of the trans and __ functions is still the text in the lang language file, rather than the value that I modified and stored in the database? I executed php artisan cache:clear and php artisan optimize:clear

Jehizkia commented 6 months ago

Does the language key of the language you've translated exist in the language_line table in you database? and could you possible share your config/translation-manager.php

zhaiyuxin103 commented 6 months ago

The language key of the language I translated exists in the language_line of the database. image image image

Is it language_lines or language_line?

Below is my config/translation-manager.php


return [

    | Available Application Locales
    | The available application locales that can be used.
    | For flag codes, please refer to (e.g. nl for Netherlands).

    'available_locales' => [
        ['code' => 'ja', 'name' => '日本語'],
        ['code' => 'zh_CN', 'name' => '简体中文'],

    | Disable key and group editing
    | Whether editing the key and group values is disabled. By default, this is true
    | because these values are automatically added by the synchronization process.

    'disable_key_and_group_editing' => true,

    | Language Switcher
    | Enable the language switcher feature in the Filament top bar.

    'language_switcher' => true,

    | Determines the render hook for the language switcher.
    | Available render hooks:

    'language_switcher_render_hook' => 'panels::user-menu.before',

    | Navigation Group
    | 'navigation_group' is the group in which the translation manager is displayed.
    | For instance, it could be set to 'Admin'.
    | 'navigation_group_translation_key' is used for a translation key.
    | For example, it could be set to 'navigation.manageSettings'.
    | If this key is filled, it will override navigation_group settings.
    | Set it to null if you do not want to use it.

    'navigation_group_translation_key' => null,

    'navigation_group' => '翻訳管理',

    | Navigation Icon
    | The navigation icon to use. Set `false` to disable the icon
    | or specify a custom icon

    'navigation_icon' => 'heroicon-o-globe-alt',

    | Quick-Translate Navigation Registration
    | Whether to register the quick-translate page in navigation.

    'quick_translate_navigation_registration' => false,

    | Don't Register Navigation On Panels
    | Array of panel id's which not to register navigation on.
    | i.e. => ['guest', 'team1']

    'dont_register_navigation_on_panel_ids' => [],

    | Flags or Initials
    | Control whether to express locales using international flags, or through locale initial letters if disabled in the language switcher.

    'show_flags' => false,

   | Prepend directory path to group name
   | Control whether to append the directory path to the group name.
   | ex. If the translation file for settings is in directory lang/en/settings/user.php
   | The group name will be settings/user

    'prepend_directory_path_to_group_name' => false,
Jehizkia commented 6 months ago

Thank you, I'll try to replicate it in my environment. I'll get back to you soon.

zhaiyuxin103 commented 6 months ago

Thank you very much!

Jehizkia commented 6 months ago

I've been looking, but how exactly do you use the __ or trans()?

Do you call it like this __('labels.images')

zhaiyuxin103 commented 6 months ago

Yes, I generally use __ in template files and trans in php files. My lang files and localization functions are used as follows: image image

Jehizkia commented 5 months ago

This is a tough one. What do you use for your CACHE_DRIVER in your .env file

zhaiyuxin103 commented 5 months ago

I'm using Laravel 11 version There is no CACHE_DRIVER in env Should it be CACHE_STORE? My value is: redis image

Jehizkia commented 5 months ago

Could you maybe try to use for the CHACHE_STORE=file or CACHE_STORE=array and after your change run php artisan optimize:clear. I'm curious if anything changes

DonatasIk commented 5 months ago

I'm encountering a similar question about using this package. After editing a string in the Dashboard, it updates only in the database, not in the actual .php file inside the lang folder. I use Vue.js for my frontend, and the suggestions given didn't help to answer my question. Do I need to fetch the translated text directly from the database?

Jehizkia commented 5 months ago

@DonatasIk this package does not make any changes to your file. It only adds all the newly created translations in the database. And it will be cached so retrieving translations is done quickly.