HoneyDO is an Android app that allows building a todo list and basic todo items management functionality including adding new items, editing and deleting existing items, as well as the ability to denote important items and add due dates.
Looks great, this exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project-based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer learn the practical elements of Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project once the program begins.
Great to see you were able to complete a large number of extensions to your app already. Your project looks great. As you can probably tell, the extension tasks available on each project are the valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common real-world Android use cases.
Hello Henneth,
Looks great, this exercise is intended in part to give you an introduction to the general rhythm of this course. The course is entirely project-based with an app being assigned each week and then due the following week. Each project builds on the last to help each engineer learn the practical elements of Android development and best practices as quickly as possible. We also do a code review for each submitted project once the program begins.
Great to see you were able to complete a large number of extensions to your app already. Your project looks great. As you can probably tell, the extension tasks available on each project are the valuable learnings since they dive deeper into common real-world Android use cases.
Be sure to take a look through our organizing your source files guide for tips on organizing your code as well.
Now that you've completed the pre-work, we'll be following up with you again shortly to outline the next steps in the admissions process.