kengz / aiva

AIVA (A.I. Virtual Assistant): General-purpose virtual assistant for developers.
MIT License
822 stars 595 forks source link

Error when installing #20

Closed arashsa closed 7 years ago

kengz commented 7 years ago

^ Earlier from the email saw the issue was from "Syntax Error". This happened cuz AIVA requires nodejs v6 to run.

arashsa commented 7 years ago

Thanks for looking into it, I saw that it required Node v6 right after publishing it. However, I'm still experiencing an issue:

Brew is already installed
Nodejs is already installed
Python3 is already installed
Postgresql is already installed
Service `postgresql` already started, use `brew services restart postgresql` to restart.
Pip modules already installed
Npm modules already installed
[Tue Oct 25 2016 13:57:25 GMT+0200 (CEST)] ERROR {
  "0": {
    "name": "SequelizeConnectionRefusedError",
    "message": "connect ECONNREFUSED",
    "parent": {
      "code": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "errno": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "syscall": "connect",
      "address": "",
      "port": 5432
    "original": {
      "code": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "errno": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "syscall": "connect",
      "address": "",
      "port": 5432
  "1": {
    "name": "SequelizeConnectionRefusedError",
    "message": "connect ECONNREFUSED",
    "parent": {
      "code": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "errno": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "syscall": "connect",
      "address": "",
      "port": 5432
    "original": {
      "code": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "errno": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "syscall": "connect",
      "address": "",
      "port": 5432
  "2": {
    "name": "SequelizeConnectionRefusedError",
    "message": "connect ECONNREFUSED",
    "parent": {
      "code": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "errno": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "syscall": "connect",
      "address": "",
      "port": 5432
    "original": {
      "code": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "errno": "ECONNREFUSED",
      "syscall": "connect",
      "address": "",
      "port": 5432
  "length": 3

Sequelize [Node: 6.9.1, CLI: 2.4.0, ORM: 3.24.5]

Loaded configuration file "config/db.json".
Using environment "development".
Unable to connect to database: SequelizeConnectionRefusedError: connect ECONNREFUSED

Sequelize [Node: 6.9.1, CLI: 2.4.0, ORM: 3.24.5]

Loaded configuration file "config/db.json".
Using environment "test".
Unable to connect to database: SequelizeConnectionRefusedError: connect ECONNREFUSED

Sequelize [Node: 6.9.1, CLI: 2.4.0, ORM: 3.24.5]

Loaded configuration file "config/db.json".
Using environment "production".
Unable to connect to database: SequelizeConnectionRefusedError: connect ECONNREFUSED

npm ERR! Darwin 16.0.0
npm ERR! argv "/Users/arashsaidi/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.1/bin/node" "/Users/arashsaidi/.nvm/versions/node/v6.9.1/bin/npm" "run" "setup"
npm ERR! node v6.9.1
npm ERR! npm  v3.10.8
npm ERR! aiva@4.1.2 setup: `bin/setup`
npm ERR! Exit status 1
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Failed at the aiva@4.1.2 setup script 'bin/setup'.
npm ERR! Make sure you have the latest version of node.js and npm installed.
npm ERR! If you do, this is most likely a problem with the aiva package,
npm ERR! not with npm itself.
npm ERR! Tell the author that this fails on your system:
npm ERR!     bin/setup
npm ERR! You can get information on how to open an issue for this project with:
npm ERR!     npm bugs aiva
npm ERR! Or if that isn't available, you can get their info via:
npm ERR!     npm owner ls aiva
npm ERR! There is likely additional logging output above.

npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR!     /Users/arashsaidi/Work/ConverTelligence/MACHINELEARNING/chatbot/aiva/npm-debug.log

So it seems like its an issue with postgresql? I tried the command brew services restart postgresql but still get the same issue.

kengz commented 7 years ago

yes the credential has to be correct for the postgres database -> which is specified in config/db.json. By default it uses postgres as username, and no password.

Try logging in to postgres from the terminal and see if the username is valid: psql -U psotgres. Otherwise if you're using your name psql -U arashsaidi and it gets you in, update the name in config/db.json

kengz commented 7 years ago

also refer to #21 for some installation debugging too info