kenhkan / angular-curve

The Smoothest AngularJS Boilerplate
MIT License
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Push this on the Skeleton page #10

Open ghost opened 10 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

You should put this on the brunch Skelleton page. There is one famous angular skelleton: angular-brunch-seed

But here's how angular-curse is better:

  1. Uses ng-boilerplate which is IMO.. wayy better
  2. You use grunt instead of homemade scripts. (written in coffee <3 :+1: )
  3. Documentation
  4. Deployment to Heroku. (And if you do to s3.. i'd send u a HUG)

What's missing with angular-curve:

  1. e2e (end to end) testing.
  2. A couple of plugins from bower. But i'll be sending a pull request ;)
kenhkan commented 10 years ago

You are so funny man! Get your hug ready. I literally have reference pages opened in my browser ready to code up so S3 would work.

Technically, angular-curve isn't based on ng-boilerplate. Though it's based on the same philosophy of grouping by feature rather than by function. And I agree. It's wayy better.

e2e testing is a difficult area, as the Angular community itself is transitioning into Protractor. If you have any idea on how to attack this, I'd appreciate your input!

One item on the missing list I'd put is generators. Right now you need to just open up a new file and write everything from scratch for a new controller, directive, etc. It'd be nice to adhere to the AngularJS way as closely as possible.

And we'll definitely put it up on the Skeleton page once I finish up with the S3 feature. Thanks for the reminder!

ghost commented 10 years ago

I was not aware of Protractor! I'm honestly freshly new to angular, convert from backbone/marionette. I'll stick to karma for now and once i start using Protractor, will ping u.

Regarding generators, what about brunch generators? There is this repo that apparently has generators. I didn't give it a try, but might solve the problem :)

Cheers and really looking forward!

kenhkan commented 10 years ago

Yea, it's based on scaffolt, which is the creation of the author of Brunch. This is another difficult decision. If we use scaffolt, that obviously appeals to the Brunch crowd, but this repo only appeals to those who use AngularJS. So using scffolt really just appeals to those who use both, whereas using yo (Angular generators) appeals to the entire Angular crowd. And Brunch would be pretty transparent to angular-curve users anyway.

I don't really have an opinion on this yet as I don't use generators myself. It'd be great if you could show the benefits of using one over another. I'm open to both.