kenjdavidson / react-native-bluetooth-classic

⚛ Bluetooth classic Android(Bluetooth)/IOS(ExternalAccessory) module for serial communication
MIT License
250 stars 94 forks source link error: cannot infer type arguments for HashMap<K,V> this.mConnectionFactories = new HashMap<>() {{ ^ reason: cannot use '<>' with anonymous inner classes where K,V are type-variables: K extends Object declared in class HashMap V extends Object declared in class HashMap #153

Closed deepakjsr7979 closed 3 years ago

deepakjsr7979 commented 3 years ago error: cannot infer type arguments for HashMap<K,V> this.mConnectionFactories = new HashMap<>() {{ ^ reason: cannot use '<>' with anonymous inner classes where K,V are type-variables: K extends Object declared in class HashMap V extends Object declared in class HashMap

kenjdavidson commented 3 years ago

This has been fixed in the latest pull request. I can't remember whether i've released it.


kenjdavidson commented 3 years ago

Kicked off a new release with the last PR.