kenjinp / hello-worlds

Virtual javascript worlds at planetary scales for your threejs or react-three-fiber scene 👋🌐
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Instanced-based Terrain Chunk implementation #23

Open kenjinp opened 2 years ago

kenjinp commented 2 years ago

Flatten CPU draw-calls of terrain chunks by implementing them as instance geometries. Then, pass the vertex buffer to a shader that uses per-instance uniforms so that each individual mesh can get it's own vertex displacement.

"You can set per-vertex attributes with the usual BufferAttribute and per-instance attributes with InstancedBufferAttribute, the latter using gl.vertexAttribDivisor."

CAVEAT: will only work with geometries with the same number of vertices all the way down. This probably won't work on the #11 RingWorld implementation, which allows for irregular subdivisions.

kenjinp commented 1 year ago

Apparently I forgot this, so here's a stack overflow that I found while trying to figure out ways to do this