kenjis / ci-phpunit-test

An easier way to use PHPUnit with CodeIgniter 3.x.
MIT License
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Any luck with ci-phpunit-test working with HMVC? #34

Open sampoyigi opened 9 years ago

sampoyigi commented 9 years ago

I've tried every possible solution i can think of, but nothing seems to work. I keep getting the CI_Lang class not found since its extended by MX/Lang.

I'd appreciate any guidelines to help understand how to debug the problem.

kenjis commented 9 years ago

ci-phpunit-test does not support HMVC.

And probably you use WireDesignz's HMVC, but it seems it's hard to make it work with ci-phpunit-test. I thought it was easier, but I was wrong. Its code is not clean.

I'm not sure, but I think is simple, so it is more clean. So it must be easier to integrate with ci-phpunit-test.

Here is quick hack to work. I don't know it works correctly, but at least no errors output.

--- a/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTest.php
+++ b/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTest.php
@@ -31,7 +31,9 @@ class CIPHPUnitTest
        // Load new functions of CIPHPUnitTest
        require __DIR__ . '/functions.php';

-       self::replaceLoader();
+        // Load ci-phpunit-test CI_Loader
+        require __DIR__ . '/replacing/core/Loader.php';

        // Load autoloader for CIPHPUnitTest
@@ -61,6 +63,8 @@ class CIPHPUnitTest
            new CI_Controller();

+        self::replaceLoader();
        require APPPATH . '/tests/TestCase.php';

        // Restore $_SERVER
@@ -74,12 +78,14 @@ class CIPHPUnitTest

    protected static function replaceLoader()
-       require __DIR__ . '/replacing/core/Loader.php';
        $my_loader_file = APPPATH . 'core/' . config_item('subclass_prefix') . 'Loader.php';
        if (file_exists($my_loader_file))
            self::$loader_class = config_item('subclass_prefix') . 'Loader';
-           require $my_loader_file;
+            if ( ! class_exists(self::$loader_class))
+            {
+                require $my_loader_file;
+            }
diff --git a/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php b/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
index e85ba8f..a91c66d 100644
--- a/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
+++ b/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

 (defined('EXT')) OR define('EXT', '.php');

-global $CFG;
+$CFG =& load_class('Config');

 /* get module locations from config settings or use the default module location and offset */
 is_array(Modules::$locations = $CFG->item('modules_locations')) OR Modules::$locations = array(
kenjis commented 9 years ago

Guideline to debug the problem is:

to read CIPHPUnitTest::init() and understand what is done. The problem is how to load core classes and our classes (ci-phpunit-test and hmvc), which one should be loaded earlier, and which one should be used.

and see

sampoyigi commented 9 years ago

Thanks, I'll try that or disable HMVC in testing environment and test the modules separately.

kenjis commented 8 years ago

I merged the changes of CIPHPUnitTest.php above into mater branch. Now you can test ci-phpunit-test if you apply the change below:

--- a/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
+++ b/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
@@ -2,7 +2,7 @@

 (defined('EXT')) OR define('EXT', '.php');

-global $CFG;
+$CFG =& load_class('Config');

 /* get module locations from config settings or use the default module location and offset */
 is_array(Modules::$locations = $CFG->item('modules_locations')) OR Modules::$locations = array(

If there is someone who wants to try HMVC and ci-phpunit-test, please try it. And if there is something wrong, report it, please.

This is just the beginning. I don't know this works fine or not.

kenjis commented 8 years ago

Now you have to apply the patch below:

--- a/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
+++ b/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ class MX_Loader extends CI_Loader
    /** Initialize the loader variables **/
    public function initialize($controller = NULL) 
+        if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing')
+        {
+            // Rest CI::$APP
+            CI::$APP = CI_Controller::get_instance();
+        }
        /* set the module name */
        $this->_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module();

--- a/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
+++ b/application/third_party/MX/Modules.php
@@ -4,6 +4,11 @@

 global $CFG;

+if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing')
+    $CFG =& load_class('Config');
 /* get module locations from config settings or use the default module location and offset */
 is_array(Modules::$locations = $CFG->item('modules_locations')) OR Modules::$locations = array(
    APPPATH.'modules/' => '../modules/',
singleseeker commented 8 years ago

any update?

kenjis commented 8 years ago

If you use dev-master, probably you could run test for Welcome controller with only the patch below:

--- a/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
+++ b/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
@@ -43,6 +43,12 @@ class MX_Loader extends CI_Loader
    /** Initialize the loader variables **/
    public function initialize($controller = NULL) 
+        if (ENVIRONMENT === 'testing')
+        {
+            // Rest CI::$APP
+            CI::$APP = CI_Controller::get_instance();
+        }
        /* set the module name */
        $this->_module = CI::$APP->router->fetch_module();

But I don't know you can write tests without problem.

If there is someone who wants to use HMVC and ci-phpunit-test, please try it. And if there is something wrong, report it, please.

kenjis commented 8 years ago

If you use the latest dev-master, you can run tests for Welcome controller without modifications. See

kenjis commented 8 years ago


This week the compatibility of ci-phpunit-test with WireDesignz's HMVC has been greatly increased. Now you don't have to modify HMVC code at all. See

If there is someone who wants to use HMVC and ci-phpunit-test, please try the latest dev-master. And if there is something wrong, report it, please.

ssavinel commented 8 years ago

Hello, so I was going through your repositories. Do we need to use the ci-hmvc-phpunit-test to ensure compatibility or can we use your codeigniter-composer-install and install WireDesignz's HMVC and CI PHPUnit Test with the cli ? That would ease our development process, by using a single composer.json instead of cloning multiple repositories. Thanks.

kenjis commented 8 years ago

Do we need to use the ci-hmvc-phpunit-test to ensure compatibility

No, you need not. The repository is just my sample or testing.

can we use your codeigniter-composer-install and install WireDesignz's HMVC and CI PHPUnit Test with the cli

Yes, you can.

And my codeigniter-composer-installer is just an installer. Someone who don't like Composer or CLI, he/she does not have to use it. In that case, just install CI, HMVC and ci-phpunit-test from Zip files.

ssavinel commented 8 years ago

So you implemented your fixes in the installer ? You said :

ci-phpunit-test does not support HMVC.

Now, by simply using the installer, HMVC will be compatible with phpUnit through some fixes you did ?

kenjis commented 8 years ago

The installer does not matter. I fixed ci-phpunit-test.

So the compatibility with HMVC and ci-phpunit-test has been increased. Now you can run simple tests without problems as you can see in

But I'm not sure ci-phpunit-test fully supports HMVC. Actually I'm not a real user of HMVC.

ivankristianto commented 8 years ago

I'm using CI 3.0.4 with wiredesignzHmvcInstalled and REST_Controller. I've managed to get it working for some tests. But when the controller need to load a library or a model, it doesn't load properly.

This is my controller Ping.php:

 class Ping extends REST_Controller {
    function __construct(){


    public function index_get(){
        $user = $this->ping_model->get( ); //this will cause error if called from phpunit
                    'response'      => REST_Controller::HTTP_OK,
                    'status'            => true,
                    'message'           => "Pong",
                    'data'          => '',
            ), REST_Controller::HTTP_OK);


This is Ping_model.php:

class Ping_model extends MY_Model {
    public $table_name = 'keys';
    function  __construct(){
        log_message('info', 'Ping_model Class Initialized');

This is my test class Ping_test.php:

class Ping_test extends TestCase{
    public function test_ping(){
        $api_key = '1234567890aaaabbbbb';
            $output = $this->request(
                'GET', '/ping', ['apikey' => $api_key]
        } catch (CIPHPUnitTestExitException $e) {
            $output = $e->exit_status;

        $output = json_decode($output);
        $message =  $output->message;
    $this->assertEquals('Pong', $message);

When I run phpunit, I got this error:

Starting test 'Ping_test::test_ping'.
PHP Fatal error:  Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /var/www/myproject/v3/application/controllers/Ping.php on line 11

Fatal error: Call to a member function get() on a non-object in /var/www/myproject/v3/application/controllers/Ping.php on line 11

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity:    Error
Message:     Call to a member function get() on a non-object
Filename:    /var/www/myproject/v3/application/controllers/Ping.php
Line Number: 11

The error is raised because the controller cannot load ping_model this line: $user = $this->ping_model->get( );

But when I check the log file: INFO - 2016-02-14 11:55:12 --> Ping_model Class Initialized

The ping model was initialized and loaded to CI object. But not available if called from CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php function createAndCallController()

Can you point me some directions?

kenjis commented 8 years ago

@ivankristianto Thank you for your reporting. I've confirmed the bug that you reported. This is because of incompatibility between ci-phpunit-test and HMVC. It seems that fixing the bug is not easy.

ivankristianto commented 8 years ago

@kenjis Finally after 2 days of struggling, I got it WORKING! Yuhuuuuu...... :)

The problem lies in the REST_Controller.php, it extends CI_Controller, I it should be MX_Controller. I realize this after talking to you. Thank you so much my friend :)

kenjis commented 8 years ago

@ivankristianto Yes! I also just think of it now. It is not perfect solution, but workaround for HMVC and ci-phpunit-test.

I put sample: Your test code above was a bit wrong. The rest controller calls exit(), so to get the output, you must use the code: $output = ob_get_clean();.

ivankristianto commented 8 years ago

@kenjis First I did use $output = ob_get_clean(); but it return empty string. So i did some debugging dive to CIPHPUnitTestExitException.php and doc for RuntimeException. And I got this $output = $e->exit_status; working.

kenjis commented 8 years ago

@ivankristianto I don't know why $e->exit_status is working. If I change my test case like that, it fails.

Anyway, it is the parameter value of exit(). I mean if exit('abc') is called, $e->exit_status is abc.

rockers007 commented 8 years ago

Getting un expected error

#  models/home_model_test.php
Welcome to Git (version 1.9.5-preview20150319)

Run 'git help git' to display the help index.
Run 'git help <command>' to display help for specific commands.
PHPUnit 4.8.21 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Warning:        The Xdebug extension is not loaded
                No code coverage will be generated.


Time: 2.34 seconds, Memory: 7.25Mb

There were 2 errors:

1) Homemodel_test
exception 'CIPHPUnitTestShowErrorException' with message 'Migrations has been lo
aded but is disabled or set up incorrectly.' in E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\
Stack trace:
#0 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\codeigniter\framework\system\libraries
\Migration.php(134): show_error('Migrations has ...')
#1 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\_ci_phpunit_test\replacing\
core\Loader.php(1282): CI_Migration->__construct(Array)
#2 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\_ci_phpunit_test\replacing\
core\Loader.php(1176): CI_Loader->_ci_init_library('Migration', 'CI_', NULL, NUL
#3 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\_ci_phpunit_test\replacing\
core\Loader.php(1037): CI_Loader->_ci_load_stock_library('Migration', '', NULL,
#4 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\third_party\MX\Loader.php(173): C
I_Loader->_ci_load_library('migration', NULL, NULL)
#5 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\TestCase.php(16): MX_Loader
#6 [internal function]: TestCase::setUpBeforeClass()
#7 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\Framework\TestSuit
e.php(697): call_user_func(Array)
#8 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\TextUI\TestRunner.
php(440): PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->run(Object(PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult))

#9 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\TextUI\Command.php
(149): PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner->doRun(Object(PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite), Arr
#10 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\TextUI\
p(100): PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->run(Array, true)
#11 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\phpunit(47): PHPUnit_
#12 {main}
2) Homemodel_test
exception 'CIPHPUnitTestShowErrorException' with message 'Migrations has been lo
aded but is disabled or set up incorrectly.' in E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\
Stack trace:
#0 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\codeigniter\framework\system\libraries
\Migration.php(134): show_error('Migrations has ...')
#1 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\_ci_phpunit_test\replacing\
core\Loader.php(1282): CI_Migration->__construct(Array)
#2 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\_ci_phpunit_test\replacing\
core\Loader.php(1176): CI_Loader->_ci_init_library('Migration', 'CI_', NULL, NUL
#3 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\_ci_phpunit_test\replacing\
core\Loader.php(1037): CI_Loader->_ci_load_stock_library('Migration', '', NULL,
#4 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\third_party\MX\Loader.php(173): C
I_Loader->_ci_load_library('migration', NULL, NULL)
#5 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\application\tests\TestCase.php(16): MX_Loader
#6 [internal function]: TestCase::setUpBeforeClass()
#7 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\Framework\TestSuit
e.php(697): call_user_func(Array)
#8 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\TextUI\TestRunner.
php(440): PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite->run(Object(PHPUnit_Framework_TestResult))

#9 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\TextUI\Command.php
(149): PHPUnit_TextUI_TestRunner->doRun(Object(PHPUnit_Framework_TestSuite), Arr
#10 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\src\TextUI\
p(100): PHPUnit_TextUI_Command->run(Array, true)
#11 E:\xampp\htdocs\donation-script\vendor\phpunit\phpunit\phpunit(47): PHPUnit_
#12 {main}
Tests: 4, Assertions: 0, Errors: 2.
kenjis commented 8 years ago

@rockers007 Error message is Migrations has been loaded but is disabled or set up incorrectly. It is an error from CodeIgniter's migration library. Fix your application/config/migration.php.

rockers007 commented 8 years ago

I replaced application/config/migration.php from latest codeigniter3.0.6 config folder,but still same error

kenjis commented 8 years ago

The default config file sets CodeIgniter migration disabled. If you use migration, you must configure the config file correctly.

Before running tests, I recommend you run migrations only with CodeIgniter.

In our book, CodeIgniter Testing Guide, Database Migration is explaned on P.56-.

AlbinoDrought commented 7 years ago

Just wanted to say, I was worried when I saw this issue that it would be a hassle to work with the HMVC extension.

I am using WireDesignz's HMVC and writing tests for it is going flawlessly. I didn't have to apply any diffs or other modifications (except for whitelisting the modules folder in phpunit.xml).

Thanks for your hard work!

kenjis commented 7 years ago

@AlbinoDrought Thank you for your information.

Yes, now HMVC works fine mostly.

To everyone: All you have to know is in the official documentation. See, please.

abasd04 commented 7 years ago

PHP Fatal error: Class 'PhpParser\NodeAbstract' not found in /.../ci-hmvc-ci-phpunit-test/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/patcher/third_party/PHP-Parser/test/PhpParser/NodeAbstractTest.php on line 5

VishalSuriMcc commented 7 years ago

Hi, I am getting session.php file error. I have posted the error log. Can any one please guide me.

Time: 2.92 seconds, Memory: 12.00Mb There was 1 error: 1) Welcome_test::test_index CIPHPUnitTestExitException: Unable to locate the specified class: Session.php

/home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/replacing/core/Common.php:103 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/system/core/Controller.php:75 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/core/CMS_Controller.php:24 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/controllers/Welcome.php:11 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php:311 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php:226 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php:135 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestCase.php:106 /home/lsystem/projects/ciframework/application/admin/tests/controllers/Welcome_test.php:15

indraahermanto commented 5 years ago

hello @kenjis i used HMVC from waifung0207/ci_bootstrap_3 can the repo above use this ci-phpunit-test? or ci-hmvc-ci-phpunit-test? or can't? i'm looking for phpunit test that is compatible for this repo :(

aquaswim commented 5 years ago

look like cross module load resource is not working


always return

The configuration file another_module/my_config does not exist.
suman-nepo commented 4 years ago

Does this work with PHPUnit 8?

diegosolo commented 4 years ago

look like cross module load resource is not working


always return

The configuration file another_module/my_config does not exist.

I'm having the same issue. So far (as I couldn't test the application completely) it happens with config files. Any insight to help solve this issue?

diegosolo commented 4 years ago

look like cross module load resource is not working


always return

The configuration file another_module/my_config does not exist.

I'm having the same issue. So far (as I couldn't test the application completely) it happens with config files. Any insight to help solve this issue?

Yesss people! I got this working! Didn't test it very much, but the error disapeared. I'm making a PR soon enough.

diegosolo commented 4 years ago

Here: I had to add MY_Config.php to application/core. Maybe there's a better way to do this but it works.

cedriclange commented 4 years ago

Here: #311. I had to add MY_Config.php to application/core. Maybe there's a better way to do this but it works.

Actually it didn't work for me this , so i had to add in functions.php CIPHPUnitTest::loadConig(); just at the end then it worked

kenjis commented 4 years ago

Hi guys, it seems the HMVC does not work with the current CodeIgniter 3.1. Because CI_Loader::_ci_object_to_array() has been removed since 3.1.3.

Do you use CodeIgniter 3.0 with HMVC?

$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c application/tests/
PHPUnit 4.8.36 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
Warning:    The Xdebug extension is not loaded
        No code coverage will be generated.


Time: 126 ms, Memory: 8.00MB

There was 1 error:

1) welcome_Welcome_test::test_index
Error: Call to undefined method MY_Loader::_ci_object_to_array()


Tests: 5, Assertions: 8, Errors: 1.
diegosolo commented 4 years ago

I do!

diegosolo commented 4 years ago

I actually have another problem:

PHPUnit 5.7.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Runtime:       PHP 5.6.40 with Xdebug 2.5.5
Configuration: /var/www/html/application/tests/phpunit.xml

F..                                                                 3 / 3 (100%)

Time: 1.5 seconds, Memory: 22.75MB

There was 1 failure:

1) Welcome_test::test_index
Failed asserting that '
A PHP Error was encountered

Severity:    Notice
Message:     Undefined property: CI::$_ci_Model_paths
Filename:    /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 315

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 315
    Function: _error_handler

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 83
    Function: __get

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 72
    Function: _add_module_paths

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php
    Line: 55
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 341
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 297
    Function: createAndCallController

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 160
    Function: requestUri

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestCase.php
    Line: 151
    Function: request

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/controllers/Welcome_test.php
    Line: 15
    Function: request

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 1062
    Function: invokeArgs

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 913
    Function: runTest

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestResult.php
    Line: 686
    Function: runBare

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 868
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/TestRunner.php
    Line: 517
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 186
    Function: doRun

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 116
    Function: run

    File: /usr/bin/phpunit
    Line: 598
    Function: main

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity:    Warning
Message:     in_array() expects parameter 2 to be array, null given
Filename:    /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 83

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 83
    Function: in_array

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 72
    Function: _add_module_paths

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php
    Line: 55
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 341
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 297
    Function: createAndCallController

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 160
    Function: requestUri

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestCase.php
    Line: 151
    Function: request

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/controllers/Welcome_test.php
    Line: 15
    Function: request

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 1062
    Function: invokeArgs

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 913
    Function: runTest

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestResult.php
    Line: 686
    Function: runBare

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 868
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/TestRunner.php
    Line: 517
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 186
    Function: doRun

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 116
    Function: run

    File: /usr/bin/phpunit
    Line: 598
    Function: main

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity:    Notice
Message:     Undefined property: CI::$_ci_Model_paths
Filename:    /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 315

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 315
    Function: _error_handler

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 85
    Function: __get

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 72
    Function: _add_module_paths

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php
    Line: 55
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 341
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 297
    Function: createAndCallController

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 160
    Function: requestUri

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestCase.php
    Line: 151
    Function: request

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/controllers/Welcome_test.php
    Line: 15
    Function: request

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 1062
    Function: invokeArgs

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 913
    Function: runTest

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestResult.php
    Line: 686
    Function: runBare

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 868
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/TestRunner.php
    Line: 517
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 186
    Function: doRun

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 116
    Function: run

    File: /usr/bin/phpunit
    Line: 598
    Function: main

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity:    Notice
Message:     Indirect modification of overloaded property MY_Loader::$_ci_Model_paths has no effect
Filename:    /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 85

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 85
    Function: _error_handler

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 72
    Function: _add_module_paths

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php
    Line: 55
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 341
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 297
    Function: createAndCallController

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 160
    Function: requestUri

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestCase.php
    Line: 151
    Function: request

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/controllers/Welcome_test.php
    Line: 15
    Function: request

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 1062
    Function: invokeArgs

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 913
    Function: runTest

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestResult.php
    Line: 686
    Function: runBare

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 868
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/TestRunner.php
    Line: 517
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 186
    Function: doRun

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 116
    Function: run

    File: /usr/bin/phpunit
    Line: 598
    Function: main

A PHP Error was encountered

Severity:    Warning
Message:     array_unshift() expects parameter 1 to be array, null given
Filename:    /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
Line Number: 85

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 85
    Function: array_unshift

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Loader.php
    Line: 72
    Function: _add_module_paths

    File: /var/www/html/application/third_party/MX/Base.php
    Line: 55
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 341
    Function: __construct

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 297
    Function: createAndCallController

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestRequest.php
    Line: 160
    Function: requestUri

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/_ci_phpunit_test/CIPHPUnitTestCase.php
    Line: 151
    Function: request

    File: /var/www/html/application/tests/controllers/Welcome_test.php
    Line: 15
    Function: request

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 1062
    Function: invokeArgs

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 913
    Function: runTest

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestResult.php
    Line: 686
    Function: runBare

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestCase.php
    Line: 868
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/Framework/TestSuite.php
    Line: 733
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/TestRunner.php
    Line: 517
    Function: run

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 186
    Function: doRun

    File: phar:///usr/bin/phpunit/phpunit/TextUI/Command.php
    Line: 116
    Function: run

    File: /usr/bin/phpunit
    Line: 598
    Function: main

' contains "<title>Welcome to CodeIgniter</title>".


Tests: 3, Assertions: 3, Failures: 1.
diegosolo commented 4 years ago

I checked and CI::$_ci_Model_paths is private (or protected, don't remember, but I couldn't access it - I could access public properties).

kenjis commented 4 years ago

What is CI::$_ci_Model_paths?

It is no wonder that private properties can't be accessible from outside of the object.

cedriclange commented 4 years ago

@kenjis back again at this issue ? I'm getting your errors...

cedriclange commented 4 years ago

@diegosolo please show me your welcome controller test

cedriclange commented 4 years ago

Wanted to say not getting errors

cedriclange commented 4 years ago

My setup codeigniter 3.1.11, and I use ci-phpunit-test in a opensource project, webase

Check this repo to see what's up

kenjis commented 4 years ago

@cedriclange I've checked your repo, and I have no problems.

$ git clone
$ cd webase/
$ composer install
$ vendor/bin/phpunit -c application/tests/
PHPUnit 5.7.27 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.

Error:         No code coverage driver is available

....                                                                4 / 4 (100%)

Time: 48 ms, Memory: 6.00MB

OK (4 tests, 3 assertions)
$ php -v
PHP 7.2.24-0ubuntu0.18.04.3 (cli) (built: Feb 11 2020 15:55:52) ( NTS )
Copyright (c) 1997-2018 The PHP Group
$ composer install
Deprecation warning: require-dev.mikey179/vfsStream is invalid, it should not contain uppercase characters. Please use mikey179/vfsstream instead. Make sure you fix this as Composer 2.0 will error.
Loading composer repositories with package information
Updating dependencies (including require-dev)
Package operations: 30 installs, 0 updates, 0 removals
  - Installing mikey179/vfsstream (v1.1.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing nikic/php-parser (v4.4.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing kenjis/ci-phpunit-test (v0.17.3): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing cedriclange/ci-phpunit (v0.17.5): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing myclabs/deep-copy (1.9.5): Loading from cache
  - Installing sebastian/version (2.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/resource-operations (1.0.0): Downloading (connecting...Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/recursion-context (2.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/object-enumerator (2.0.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/global-state (1.1.1): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/exporter (2.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/environment (2.0.0): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing sebastian/diff (1.4.3): Loading from cache
  - Installing sebastian/comparator (1.2.4): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing symfony/polyfill-ctype (v1.15.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing symfony/yaml (v4.4.7): Loading from cache
  - Installing doctrine/instantiator (1.3.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing webmozart/assert (1.7.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-common (2.0.0): Downloading (connecting.Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpdocumentor/type-resolver (1.1.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpdocumentor/reflection-docblock (5.1.0): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpspec/prophecy (v1.10.3): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpunit/php-text-template (1.2.1): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects (3.4.4):Downloading (100%)         )
  - Installing phpunit/php-timer (1.0.9): Loading from cache
  - Installing sebastian/code-unit-reverse-lookup (1.0.1): Downloading (connectiDownloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/php-token-stream (2.0.2): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/php-file-iterator (1.4.5): Loading from cache
  - Installing phpunit/php-code-coverage (4.0.8): Downloading (100%)         
  - Installing phpunit/phpunit (5.7.27): Downloading (100%)         
sebastian/global-state suggests installing ext-uopz (*)
symfony/yaml suggests installing symfony/console (For validating YAML files using the lint command)
phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects suggests installing ext-soap (*)
phpunit/php-code-coverage suggests installing ext-xdebug (^2.5.1)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing phpunit/php-invoker (~1.1)
phpunit/phpunit suggests installing ext-xdebug (*)
Package phpunit/phpunit-mock-objects is abandoned, you should avoid using it. No replacement was suggested.
Writing lock file
Generating autoload files
2 packages you are using are looking for funding.
Use the `composer fund` command to find out more!
cedriclange commented 4 years ago

@kenjis, okay that is great

diegosolo commented 3 years ago

Hi! The error I had was either because I was using CI v3.1.10 (not v3.1.11) or because I was using an old version of the HMVC framework. I updated CI to v3.1.11 and replaced my HMVC with what @cedriclange has in the webbase project ( and now it runs fine.

I stopped getting errors after that, yet requests were returning empty results (Failed asserting that '' contains "<title>Welcome to CodeIgniter</title>"). The problem was that I had my controllers inherit from CI_Controller class and that is conflictive. I replaced CI_Controller by MX_controller and now everything's working as expected.

Thank you all!

kenjis commented 3 years ago

@cedriclange I've updated with your HMVC code. Thank you!

kenjis commented 3 years ago

Just for your info.

The configuration file foo/default_modules.php does not exist. and