kenkeiter / skeuocard

Skeuocard progressively enhances credit card inputs to provide a skeuomorphic interface.
MIT License
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IE issue on CardProduct function #125

Open joanrm20 opened 10 years ago

joanrm20 commented 10 years ago

I'm using this plugin on some project, but seems that in ie8 this exactly in this part of the function some code is not supported by ie8: = { isFilled: this._isCardNameFilled.bind(this), isValid: this._isCardNameValid.bind(this) }; this.number = { isFilled: this._isCardNumberFilled.bind(this), isValid: this._isCardNumberValid.bind(this) }; this.exp = { isFilled: this._isCardExpirationFilled.bind(this), isValid: this._isCardExpirationValid.bind(this) }; this.cvc = { isFilled: this._isCardCVCFilled.bind(this), isValid: this._isCardCVCValid.bind(this) };

So always the console of ie is showing me an error("Object doesn't support this property or method"). The plugin works really fine even with this error, I just added a try catch sentence and if the error happens this sentence will handle the error an avoid send it to the user.

I don't know if there are another way to solved it? In my case this works for me. could be helpful for someone while a patch or a better solution is applied for this. :)

PS: just trying to help