kenlasko / SfBEV2TeamsEV

PowerShell script that copies an on-prem Skype for Business Enterprise Voice configuration to a Microsoft Teams Enterprise Voice Direct Routing deployment
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MicrosoftTeams support #2

Open RHPhilipsen opened 2 years ago

RHPhilipsen commented 2 years ago

When you don't have the skypeConnector installed but only the MicrosoftTeams addon you are required to make the following modifications to the script: On line 70 and 73: Replace new-csonlinesession with Connect-MicrosoftTeams Comment out line 75: this is not required anymore with the new MicrosoftTeams commandlet.

JustinWalker72 commented 2 years ago

Hey, great resource! Thank you. You may want to take a look at this Slack to Teams migration guide.