kenmcmil / ivy

IVy is a research tool intended to allow interactive development of protocols and their proofs of correctness and to provide a platform for developing and experimenting with automated proof techniques. In particular, IVy provides interactive visualization of automated proofs, and supports a use model in which the human protocol designer and the automated tool interact to expose errors and prove correctness.
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Translation from Ivy to mypyvy #76

Open dranov opened 8 months ago

dranov commented 8 months ago

This PR adds a method to automatically translate Ivy specifications to mypyvy.

This works by retrofitting the SMT-LIB generated by Ivy into mypyvy syntax, so the resulting mypyvy specifications are quite a bit uglier than those a human would write.

You invoke the method by adding attribute method = convert_to_mypyvy in the isolate that needs to be translated (or at the top-level of the Ivy file), and then invoke ivy_check on the file. When invoked with the convert_to_mypyvy method, ivy_check takes two (optional, default to false) arguments:

The converted mypyvy specification is generated in the directory in which ivy_check is invoked and takes the name of the Ivy specification, e.g. tpc.ivy becomes tpc.pyv.

In terms of implementation:

Due to how it works (by leveraging Ivy's translation to SMT-LIB), the translation should support all Ivy features and it should require little to no maintenance if/when the language evolves. I have tested this only with Ivy specifications with #lang ivy1.7 and #lang ivy1.8.

To give you a sense of what the output looks like, this Ivy specification is translated into this .pyv file.

dranov commented 8 months ago

This doesn't yet handle native integers in the Ivy spec.