kennetek / gridfinity-rebuilt-openscad

A ground-up rebuild of the stock gridfinity bins in OpenSCAD
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Holes in 'screw together minimal' style plate are too low. #71

Closed JackGM closed 1 year ago

JackGM commented 1 year ago

The holes in 'screw together minimal' style plate are too low, only being 0.5mm up from the bottom of the plate.

Ruudjhuu commented 1 year ago

Could you share your settings with which you generate the model? When I generate it the hole is 1.53 mm up from the bottom. For an M3 screw this is enough room. Do you also have this issue with the screw together base?


JackGM commented 1 year ago

I seem to have the same problem with both the screw together, and screw together minimal. image image image

However, after playing with the settings it seems like enabling the magnet hole seems to improve the situation. I'm not sure if this would be obvious to new users however? image image

JackGM commented 1 year ago

Additionally, changing the style hole from none to countersunk, seems to drop the holes down again by about 0.45mm which means they still have a nice strong amount of material below the hole, but will print slightly faster 😄

Ruudjhuu commented 1 year ago

@JackGM Could you try to use my branch with a possible fix if it will solve your issues stated here? If the fix works, I'll mark the pull request as "ready for review"

JackGM commented 1 year ago

@JackGM Could you try to use my branch with a possible fix if it will solve your issues stated here? If the fix works, I'll mark the pull request as "ready for review"

Hi Ruudjhuu, Just tried your branch and that fixes the issues created with the holes being too close to the bottom. Thank you! I am still seeing a slight change in height when 'style hole' is adjusted, but the main issue is fixed!

Ruudjhuu commented 1 year ago

I see,

The screw-together feature is build on the skeletonized and screw-together-minimal is created further on screw-together. With the skeletonized feautre, the custom height of the bottom part of the base makes sense if switched between none and any other choice. What I do not understand is why there is also a difference between countersink and counterbore. @kennetek is this an intentional feature or a bug?

This behavior is not wanted for screw-together-minimal as it makes the hole obsolete and screw-together as it makes the different flavours incompatible. I think there is a need to give all screw-together features a fixed height so they are compatible with each other (could be calculated with screw size and screw head as parameters). Currently we have for each screw-together feature 3 different heights which are kind of hidden in the minimal version and make them not compatible with each other. @kennetek do you have a suggestion for a fixed / calculated height for the screw-together features?

My sugestion is:

screw_together_offset = 0.5;
off = d_screw_head + screw_together_offset;

But this can be to small for screw-together with a screw hole style. So maybe:

screw-together-minimal-height = 20; //just random for now
screw_together_offset = 0.5;
screw-together-height =  d_screw_head + screw_together_offset;
off =  screw-together-height < screw-tegether-minimal-height ? screw-tegether-height: screw-tegether-minimal-height
Ramblurr commented 1 year ago

Seeing this too!


Ruudjhuu commented 1 year ago

I created a table where style_plate, enable_magnet and style_hole are the input as they have influence and off is the output representing the height of the bottom part of the baseplate. In my opinion this is way to complex to put in one line of code. I changed the branch so that for all screw together baseplates, the height is the same. I chose 6.75 as bottom height, as that was the larges number and I think it is needed for something as I do not know why this value is so different for every style combination of the base-plate. This number is probably a waste of filament when you want to print the screw-together-minimal style. @kennetek how should we move forward?

style_plate magnets style_hole off
0 false 0 0
0 false 1 0
0 false 2 0
0 true 0 0
0 true 1 0
0 true 2 0
1 false 0 6.4
1 false 1 6.4
1 false 2 6.4
1 true 0 6.4
1 true 1 6.4
1 true 2 6.4
2 false 0 1
2 false 1 3.5
2 false 2 4
2 true 0 3.4
2 true 1 5.9
2 true 2 6.4
3 false 0 6.75
3 false 1 5.9
3 false 2 6.4
3 true 0 6.75
3 true 1 5.9
3 true 2 6.4
4 false 0 6.75
4 false 1 5.9
4 false 2 6.4
4 true 0 6.75
4 true 1 5.9
4 true 2 6.4
geekifier commented 1 year ago

I just wanted to chime in and confirm that @Ruudjhuu's branch fixes my issue (#79) as well. This is pretty urgent fix IMHO as basically master is broken at this point for anyone who wants to use magnets and/or screw together plates.

I have been using the PR #72 as a fix, but it was not before I wasted some filament and did some head scratching trying to figure out what was going on :).

Ramblurr commented 1 year ago

Thank you @kennetek and @Ruudjhuu!