kennethcachia / background-check

Automatically switch to a darker or a lighter version of an element depending on the brightness of images behind it.
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Doesn't work with AJAX ? #12

Closed flayks closed 10 years ago

flayks commented 10 years ago

Hey there, I use the magic BackgroundCheck plugin for a website where I use a full AJAX navigation. When I go to a photo page (fullscreen image), I do a BackgroundCheck.refresh();, but absolutely nothing happend. My "target" (body) has no "dark" of "light" class. It just works at the first page load only if I am in a photo page but not with AJAX.

My function :

bgcheck: function(el, cond){
    if ($(el).hasClass(cond)){
            targets: "body",
            images: "#thephoto",
            threshold: 50,
            classes: {
                dark: "dark",
                light: "light"

What I run when the page is ready :

plugins.bgcheck("body", "single-photos");

What I do when AJAX is loaded (after the fadeIn effect on the container and the body class load) :

// Re-check background brightness
if (isType("photo/")){
    BackgroundCheck.refresh(); // Doesn't work

If you have an idea or something to help… Is it a bug ? or me doing something wrong ? Thank you in advance.

——— Edit :

After a debug:true, I have this information : "Skipping image - - area too small" (it seems to be the old image and the not new one)

kennethcachia commented 10 years ago


Hmm not sure. Could you give me a link to this site so I can test it further pls?

flayks commented 10 years ago

Hey! Sorry for the delay. I almost finished my portfolio, I debugged some things but I always have the problem with the BackgroundCheck plugin.

When you go to a next/previous picture, the debug (console log) says this : "Skipping image - http://blah/image.jpg - area too small". I do a BackgroundCheck.refresh() with the plugin waitForImages, so normally it will runs the function after all the loaded content. I tested without waitForImages, but same. But apparently, the plugin considers that the AJAX loaded background-image is simply not loaded (in this photo "Isole Egadi" the image is DSC_9639, the next "Une descente aux Enfers" is DSC_8443). It only works on the first page load.

I don't know why…

flayks commented 10 years ago

Ok, I found a solution without any plugin (I juste set a class for each photo I use, if it's a dark or light picture), but if you have an idea, I'm curious.

kennethcachia commented 10 years ago


I checked your portfolio and noticed the following:

  targets: "#controls",
  images: "#thephoto"
}); #controls.background--light a {
  background-color: #000;
} #controls.background--light p {
  background-color: #000;
  color: #fff;
BackgroundCheck.set('targets', '#controls');
BackgroundCheck.set('images', '#thephoto');

which automatically reprocesses the image.

Hope this helps!

flayks commented 10 years ago

Thank you for the help! I will test your solution. I use the body as target because I also change the color of my SVG logo, so with the body class .light or .dark, I change both logo and controls.

.light #logo path{fill:#fff}
.light #controls a{background:#fff; color:@darkblue}
.dark #logo path{fill:@darkblue}
.dark #controls a{background:@darkblue; color:#fff}
flayks commented 10 years ago

Yay, apparently it works pretty well. Ty :}

kennethcachia commented 10 years ago


re: targeting your SVG Logo - you should also target it on it's own so that it's more accurate. I usually add a .target class to all the elements that I need to check and then use the following:

  targets: '.target'