I am trying to use the plugin with a text over a image grabbed from another server but I am getting Cross Origin error and the image is not being displayed.
My html tag looks like:
In my .htaccess I've put:
`Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"`
And my header module is active on my apache.
I tried this with a image sent from another virtualhost on my machine getting the same result. (putting the access control on the image virtualhost or the web virtualhost).
What am I missing?
I am trying to use the plugin with a text over a image grabbed from another server but I am getting Cross Origin error and the image is not being displayed.
My html tag looks like:
` In my .htaccess I've put: `Header always set Access-Control-Allow-Origin "*"` And my header module is active on my apache. I tried this with a image sent from another virtualhost on my machine getting the same result. (putting the access control on the image virtualhost or the web virtualhost). What am I missing?