Lets agree on a new design for video details, and realize it some day soon, like tomorrow.
More space for video, and more performance to your mom.
[x] Unmodalify
[ ] Agreed on new design
[ ] Implemented new design
[ ] The user should be scrolled back to the position he was in on navigation back to video index from video details. For example using angulars anchorscroll service to scroll back to a video that the user comes from.
Set id of video OnExit in video details, and try to scroll to it after videos are loaded.
What awesome features can we add down the road with the extra space? Like related content, slides that sync with video, dickscusions, remember progress etc.
Redesign video details
Lets agree on a new design for video details, and realize it some day soon, like tomorrow. More space for video, and more performance to your mom.
What awesome features can we add down the road with the extra space? Like related content, slides that sync with video, dickscusions, remember progress etc.
Mobile first!
Design inspiration: