kennyledet / MacDevelopmentSetupGuidelines

Disclaimer: These are actions and applications I believe to be the best for setting up an optimal development environment are extensions of my opinion, and not to be taken as objectively proper for every software engineer!
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Scripting the guide? #1

Open AlJohri opened 9 years ago

AlJohri commented 9 years ago

Hey dude, this is a really cool guide. I've been following pretty similar guidelines and scripting the process instead of writing it out. I'm trying to make it relatively idempotent so it can be run as many times as you like and updates your software if its already installed.

Here is what I have so far:

I'm also planning on adding a component that installs those hard to install python packages like sip, pyqt, pyside, pygame, numpy, scipy etc. Started some work on that here:

Would love any feedback!

kennyledet commented 9 years ago

Hey man they both look nice from quick glances! I also like that you based the script on the thoughtbot laptop script. I was thinking of providing a similar set of scripts to help one adhere to the guidelines, and was also looking at building off their work.

Gotta do some work real quick, but I'll have some more time to look at it later on in the day and will get back to you asap