kenperlin / chalktalk

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Rebalance documentation between and wiki #20

Closed hugolpz closed 7 years ago

hugolpz commented 7 years ago

After #10 , wiki has arrived.

Icons :

chalktalk-move-24px chalktalk-move-18px chalktalk-move-16px chalktalk-move-12px chalktalk-draw-12px chalktalk-draw-16px chalktalk-draw-18px chalktalk-draw-24px

loremIpsum1771 commented 7 years ago

Hi Hugo, I don't know if you noticed, but in the "libraries" section of the Wiki, I included listings of the functions that might need to have some documentation added. This was a carry over from an effort that started last year but that was never completed. If you're interested, it might help to add small blurbs in the wiki explaining what certain functions do just as you happen to come across them. Thanks for the work you've been doing!

hugolpz commented 7 years ago

Hello Ceyron, I noticed. I'am not sure why there are both Sketch and Sketches pages. May need merging. screenshot from 2017-05-23 13-26-11 screenshot from 2017-05-23 13-26-02 screenshot from 2017-05-23 13-26-41

I will not be able to complete docs further. Both because I have my French project to push forward and because I'am not an expert on chalktalk. Detailled documentations and definition of sketches needs pushes by your team members / experts, and recognition by your peers.

loremIpsum1771 commented 7 years ago

No problem! I just wanted to point it out in case you might be able to help with it.

hugolpz commented 7 years ago just cleaned up. Doc is now on Wiki. I close this issue. :D