Open suCozy opened 1 year ago
My code is as below, but I want to try using the image control library I'd like to ask for advice on what to do if possible
import { Dispatch, LegacyRef, memo, SetStateAction, useMemo, useRef, } from 'react'; import dynamic from 'next/dynamic'; import ReactQuill, { ReactQuillProps } from 'react-quill'; import Swal from 'sweetalert2'; import { quillDefaultModule } from '@constants/quill.constant'; import { getMetaData } from '@http/commons.http'; import { uploadFile } from '@http/file.http'; interface IQuillEditor extends ReactQuillProps { forwardedRef: LegacyRef<ReactQuill>; } const QuillNoSSRWrapper = dynamic( async () => { const { default: RQ } = await import('react-quill'); // eslint-disable-next-line react/display-name return function editor({ forwardedRef, ...props }: IQuillEditor) { return <RQ ref={forwardedRef} {...props} />; }; }, { ssr: false } ); function Editor({ setContent, content, }: { setContent: Dispatch<SetStateAction<string>>; content: string; }) { const quill = useRef<ReactQuill>(null); const modules = useMemo( () => ({ ...quillDefaultModule, toolbar: { ...quillDefaultModule.toolbar, handlers: { image: async () => imageHandler(), }, onPaste() { console.log('asdfasdf'); }, }, }), [] ); const imageHandler = () => { const input = document.createElement('input'); input.setAttribute('type', 'file'); input.setAttribute('accept', 'image/png, image/jpeg, .gif'); document.body.appendChild(input);; input.onchange = async () => { try { const file = input.files && input.files[0]; const data = await uploadFile({ file }); if (quill.current) { const range = quill.current.getEditorSelection(); if (range) { quill.current .getEditor() .insertEmbed(range.index, 'image',; quill.current.getEditor().insertText(range.index + 1, ' '); quill.current .getEditor() .setSelection({ index: range.index + 1, length: 0 }); } } } catch (error) { alert('error'); } }; }; return ( <QuillNoSSRWrapper forwardedRef={quill} modules={modules} onChange={setContent} theme="snow" defaultValue={content} scrollingContainer="html" /> ); } export default memo(Editor);
My code is as below, but I want to try using the image control library I'd like to ask for advice on what to do if possible